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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Below is a detailed agenda for the next Area Assembly:

Ok, so it's not for the Harringay area. But it'd be nice to have, eh, two weeks ahead of time rather than plonked on your seat when you get there.

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Me too...I've signed up three times and still get nothing.
Perhaps someone somewhere has realised who you are.... and we don't want those sniffy residents spoiling our easy life ..do we?
I'm sure its just good old fashioned incompetence to be honest.
If anyone who has got the agenda would care to cast an eye over the draft one under the event here and make sure its accurate, I'd be grateful.
Prime administrative responsibility for these Area Assemby meetings is the Neighbourhood Management Service (NMS)

This department spends some of its time trying to justify its existence. It seems to me that NMS has a vague remit (or a broad remit, depending on your point of view). Apparently, it works with local people to improve neighbourhoods across the Borough. This is only marginally less meaningless than the municipal slogan "Better Haringey".

To be fair, the recent Stroud Green, Hornsey & Crouch End AA meeting was well run (and well chaired).

The concept of AA meetings is a good one but imperfectly executed thus far.

One improvement that could be made – and its not rocket science – as a start, would be to publish Agendas ahead of time on the council's website (personally, I don't like to see printed paper mail-outs, and in full colour. I think its expensive and wasteful, but these considerations don't seem to matter to the council).

If the NMS cannot do simple things like this, we have to wonder what its purpose is, beyond providing employment to itself.

If we must have this extra layer of bureaucracy, which we all pay for, then at a minimum the NMS should have at or near its core, the efficent running of AA meetings and the efficient production and dissemination of agendas: across the Borough.

It's several years since I chaired the Tottenham Green/Hale & Seven Sisters Assembly. But I can't imagine things are that different in how meetings are planned. We put together an agenda which included -among other things - regular items; topics suggested by residents and or/staff (or me); stuff postponed from before; and key time-limited consultation items.

There were always some last minute changes. E.g. people billed to attend were ill etc. But letters with a draft programme went out in advance - reminding people of the meeting.

I know our mailing list wasn't always accurate; and some people slipped through the net. But as many more residents now have email, this should be getting easier and more accurate all the time. And I can see only advantages to having - in effect - free publicity for an assembly if local websites are willing to carry the agendas.

Having said that, my personal preference was for chattier, livelier, newsletter style leaflets - with photos etc.
I really think its time that email was used for this. You should be able to sign up for an email list (without dropping the mailing list of course as not everyone has or wants to use the internet). I really don't know why they don't. Other departments in the council such as environment can manage it.

I put the question of why more 'modern' forms of communication were not available (even a simple SMS service with time date and venue perhaps) at one of the meetings but it seems the wheels turn very, very slowly if at all and promises that they would consider it (what's to consider?) are still to be kept.
If, of course, meetings were minuted and those minutes published, I'd be able to point to when this happened and ask for an update.
Sorry, Liz. I'd no idea Neighbourhood Management were not using email where residents were happy to agree this. I've made a strong suggestion that it's done.

But plainly, someone needs a current email address which is actually used. Lots of people change addresses; and some lapse through lack of use. I've written to people who gave me their email - but who then explained they didn't see it, because, e.g. "My daughter has been on holiday and didn't do it for me".

For similar reasons, I also agree we should be flexible where people want notification by post.
Well, they have been given both my home address and my email in the past and I still get nothing. It's a bit of a mystery how you 'qualify' for the list but I will chase it up tomorrow at the meeting.
Assuming it is tomorrow. as the Haringey Council listing has it as St Ann’s & Harringay, Thursday 28 July, 7.30pm.
I got my AA Agenda on Wed last, 22/7, as usual. Well, not quite as usual. Until March this year it was always addressed to 'Mr E. Tinneran' - the result of a scrawled signature as I arrived late for an AA at Chestnuts PS three or four years ago. The fact that their Clerk was using an outdated list of attenders may explain why several of you have been left agendaless. They're probably now using the list from a later meeting which you missed. Do they mean you can't be sure of getting your copy unless you attend every AA over a decade or so? Clearly several Councillors who missed last meeting at St Ann's library will also be off the mailing list, so they'll have a perfect excuse for being absent again on Tuesday.

Your second Draft under 'Event' corresponds to our mailed version, EXCEPT that 'Cabinet Question Time' is now third item, and HMO Update has disappeared!

This one is signed by Gina as usual. It is for Tuesday, not Thursday, from 7.30. (Frontline Officers present from 7.00pm)



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