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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The unpublicised demolition of the pavilion on the old cricket pitch in Finsbury Park has arisen in a couple of recent threads. In the latest thread one member commented:

demolition of this building should have its own thread. I'm sure loads of locals would be interested but it's tucked away here

So here we are.

In short the issue is that the derelict 1950s pavilion on the old cricket pitch in the Harringay corner of Finsbury Park is due for demolition. On the face of it, it's an unlovely and unloved building that many might think is better demolished. It's only current use is by homeless sleepers. However, I look at it and see potential. So since learning about the plan I've been trying to find out a bit more.

Initially I questioned the demolition decision and left it at that. A few days later I bumped into a local business owner who, it transpired in conversation, had been talking to the Council about taking on the building as a community cafe. He has great plans including open air theatre in front of the building. However, his plans were stopped in their tracks by the Council's demand for a £300,000 premium.

This building has a great position, right on the banks of the river. Establishing it as a community cafe would be a great asset for us all and would not impinge on the current use of the baseball field, in fact I imagine it would be a great amenity for the baseball players.

I've been trying to find out if a structural survey has been done to establish its structural integrity. As far as I've yet been able to discover, no survey has been done. If the building is beyond economic repair, fair enough, knock it down. If it's not, it could be brought back into use, with the leaseholder taking on the burden of refurbishment, I suppose. Once in use, it would generate a handy income stream for the park.

I've been in touch with the Council Leader, our councillors and our MP. So far, the best response I've had has been from Claire Kober who sent a response with, what I thought was a poorly argued case for demolition (I'm supposing that it was prepared by an officer for Cllr Kober).

The demolition is scheduled for September. Apparently neither local councillors, the Friends of Finsbury Park, nor local residents have been consulted. I'd like to see the demolition halted whilst this missing stage is implemented.

Here's where the topic was first mentioned, by Cllr James Ryan, and here's where it was picked up again last week.

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A community cafe would be much appreciated! I totally agree that at least a phase where locals/friends of FP are consulted should happen before demolition.

Thanks Hugh.

I think if the building is structurally sound it should be saved and put to good use. It would be great to open up the corner of the park where Green lanes and Endymion rd meet, opposite Homebase to create a Harringay entrance. A new path could be created along the edge of the baseball field that could lead up to the now derelict building and into the rest of the park.

Let us know if you find out more. Or, who to email?

Yup, I've been angling for a park in that corner for a few years now. One the size of the square outside Hornsey Town Hall could be created without encroaching on the area the baseball players use.

This afternoon I had an email from Cllr Adamou forwarding an offer to open discussions with the local businessman who expressed an interest. I've passed that on.

If you want to email, send to our local Councillors, MP and Cllr MacNamara.

When I've thought about the corner park, I'd always imagined it as a self-contained space accessible only from the street.
It is very self contained. The New River forms the boundary on two sides and Green Lanes and Endymion Road on the other two. Access to the rest of the park could be controlled via the little bridge.
Thames Water are sympathetic to removing the river fencing in principle.
I don't suppose you have the email addresses to hand and a copy of the letter you sent? Maybe if more people raise this, it will be taken more seriously.

Does anyone from the friends of Finsbury park have any information about this building, or how or if a consultation was conducted?

Hugh, thanks for beginning this thread. I think you've mentioned a figure of £50 to £60 thousand pounds as being the cost to demolish the structure. Can you say where this came from please?

It sounds like a fantastic cost to me.

Haringey Councillor

Here is the email I received today at 6:13pm in response to my query to Cllr McNamara on Monday. (I will also note that neither Cllr McNamara nor any of my St Ann's ward councillors responded directly.) Bolds (except in the signature) are mine.

Ms Dennis,

Thank you for your email below regarding the planned demolition of the Finsbury Park pavilion, which is located just off the new river path as you come into the park from Endymion Road. Cllr McNamara has discussed this matter with council officers and has asked me to respond to your enquiry on his behalf.

The pavilion has been disused for some 25 years and has deteriorated significantly over this time. Due to its condition it attracts low level antisocial behaviour as well as regular rough sleepers. During the last 25 years the council has regularly expended money to secure the pavilion and spent officer time moving on the rough sleepers. The deterioration of the structure and internal fabric means that anyone gaining access inside the pavilion is a significant risk of harm.

In the past several suggestions for alternative community use have come forward but none have ever progressed beyond an initial concept or good idea.  There are currently 14 buildings in the park with plans for a fifteenth, many have clear roles such as the cafes, dog training school or gallery space and some need to be repurposed. Therefore, if there are demands for new community spaces this can probably be accommodated somewhere in the park.

So in proposing the demolition we do so based on the facts that in 25 years no use has been made of this site or suitable viable alternative has come forward. It is a blot on the landscape at a key junction in the park as it connects into the new river. It would be possible to use the buildings demolition as the impetus for embarking on a plan to open (with Thames Water’s consent) this section of the new river to residents. If there remains interest in the community for some kind of community space in this area of the park then we should be looking at the other pavilion which is about 200m away. This is used part time by the baseball club but it is in no way fully utilised. Retaining the building with no clear plan of action retains the risk that if someone breaks in they will be at real risk of serious harm.

The cost of demolition is £50k and is being procured as a joint project with the demolition of the redundant pavilion in Chestnuts Park. The works are being funded from the income generated by outdoor events.

I hope this response has answered your enquiry satisfactorily. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


Kind Regards,

Nes Cazimoglu

Nesil Cazimoglu

Cabinet Support Officer

Haringey Council

River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ

T.020 8489 2687 


Sounds almost the same as Claire Kober's response to me. Neither deal with the issue that interest has been expressed in using the pavilion, nor whether a survey has judged the building beyond repair. All I'm suggesting is that we press pause until other avenues have been explored. Has the Council ever invited expressions of interest for the building's re-use. If not, that might explain why it's laid unused. Charging a £300k premium may have presented another barrier.

I think they are using this line as cover, sidestepping why it might be that nothing has progressed, say, perhaps, because they tell those with an idea for the area with a £300k surcharge for making an investment:

"In the past several suggestions for alternative community use have come forward but none have ever progressed beyond an initial concept or good idea."

It also seems quite clear that there are no plans to build anything in that area of the park:

"If there remains interest in the community for some kind of community space in this area of the park then we should be looking at the other pavilion which is about 200m away."

Robin, thanks. A short while ago I received a briefing from Nesil Cazimoglu about this matter, also circulated to Ward Councillors.

Cllr McNamara is currently on holiday and asked that the briefing be sent to me for my information.

It includes background about the proposed demolition of the old pavilion and largely covers the same ground of the message to you.

It includes the same clause about the proposed cost (£50,000) for demolition. I can think of  better uses for that amount of money ... or cheaper ways to demolish the structure.

I remain surprised, if not staggered, at the cost of demolition, which is an issue for me.

Perhaps the Minutes of the FP Strategy-cum-stakeholder Group will disclose the discussion that led to the demolition decision.



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