Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

We’re considering a move to Hewitt road. Is there any communal bike storage on the street? 

We’re a family of four - two young children - excited about a move to the ladder. 

Anything we should know about that road - good or otherwise?

Thanks for reading and happy Christmas. 

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Yes, there is, just near number 1 at the top of the hill. 
It’s a good road. No problems. 

What Hugh said, excellent Road, great community. But I wouldn't rely on the communal bike store as when I checked it was full and had a long wait list. 

That’s really helpful, thank you. 

Has anyone bought a bike box for their front garden? 

I'm on The Ladder and have one of these https://www.trimetals.co.uk/product/metal-bike-storage/

I've seen a few on other Ladder roads. Had it about five years. They are expensive but should last a long time.

There are also Cycle Hoop BikeHangars dotted around as already mentioned by Hugh. 


Please consider joining Haringey Cyclists LCC and Haringey Living Streets. 

Thanks for the link, Laura. Those bike hangars seem to be amazingly popular. On a click around Harringay, all the hangers seem to be full. Widening the search to Haringey, and without clicking on every location, I could only find one with space available. The same seems to apply in Hackney.

Do the Council have to fund these? If so, do you know the cost?

They are operated by a charity called cyclehoop - but the council have to pay the charity I believe. If you rent a space you have to pay around £36 a year.

You can apply to have one on your road by emailing here 


There is a waiting list - if you get the signatures of your neighbours to show demand it helps get you up the queue. Word of warning though there are only 6 spaces per hangar. You can get 50 signatures but you have a lot of disappointed people when it does arrive! 

Thanks, DTW.

From what I can see, the hangars cost £2,600 for the Council to purchase. It looks like Haringey then subsidise 50% of the monthly rental. Anyone know if I have that right?

Interesting - I would rather see more hangars than people like me being subsidised. If we had one for every 20 houses we might get the number of car journeys cut down.

Wasn’t there a post recently saying the council had money to put a number (I have 20 in my head) around the borough and was looking for requests for locations??? It was the last week or two I believe. 

Things even worse Tottenham end of the borough, with fewer hangars on average. I've been on the waiting list for years - have been told by cyclehoops that the council decides where and when to add the hangars:

"the decision to place more bikehangars in the borough sits with the council and will depend on the budget they have available to purchase more bikehangars and therefore, we cannot guarantee that any more bikehangars will be installed in your area in the near future".

I've contacted the council about it a bunch of times over the years, only to be told that 'no additional cycle storage hangers will be added in the borough'.

The good news is that Haringey are still erecting bike hangars. The notification of the latest batch is attached. The bad news for those in the East of the borough is that they are all in the West.

Hangars are apparently erected on request. An FOI would ascertain whether the location decisions are effectively responding to requests. If they are, it may be the case that the methodology that triggers a location decision is not equally advantaging all parts of the borough .


Thanks for this Hugh. Will continue complaining and lobbying I guess...



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