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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Beautiful protected tree on Haringey ladder threatened with felling - please object

I have just received notice of a planning application (HGY/2023/2724) to fell a beautiful protected tree on Turnpike Lane. This tree is over 26 metres tall and given the height and size of the trunk, could be well over 150-200+ years old.

It's visible on the approach from Wightman road along the ladder and from Turnpike Lane, and is taller than buildings in the area.

The justification for the felling given is subsidence at a nearby property, but there is no definitive evidence that felling this tree will prevent the subsidence.

This tree is really important for the area's biodiversity, particularly close to a polluted and congested traffic junction. Given the tree's age and visibility, it holds high value for the area.

You can object to the application here - Planning Application - HGY/2023/2724

The consultation ends on Wednesday 1st November, so please respond asap. A photo of this beautiful tree is below.

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I suspect we'll start to see a lot more of this kind of thing with the hot, dry summers that are forecast. Chopping down a tree just in case is easier and cheaper than carrying out proper remedial work.

Someone's home is being damaged by subsidence and all the experts say that removing a large tree will give the remedial works a better chance of being successful.

If your house had cracks in walls & ceilings would you allow a probable cause to remain in situ?

If anyone is seriously thinking of objecting then at least read all the accompanying materials on the Planning portal. 

Our house had the same damage, and we were told to remove a small tree in the front as it was cited as the cause. However, it was not, and the damage was back (worse) less than a year later. There are other ways of securing homes from subsidence. We are currently refurbishing our house and rectifying the further damage that has been caused to the house while waiting for consultation over the removal of trees. Experts are not always right and sadly it is usually the case of the cheapest option. 

Hi Max, I have shared this on my Haringey Tree Protectors group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/186880499666276/?multi_permalinks=7...

Are you nearby or does anyone know who lives near this tree?

I could ask an independent arb person to look at it if you tell me exactly where it is...

our email is haringeytreeprotectors@gmail.com



worth emailing the trees officer directly involved




Hi Gio, thank you so much. I have emailed you. 

All best



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