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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


The Wards Corner Community Plan has been submitted to the Council after a long hard slog and a lot of hard work!  Have a look at the application and submit your SUPPORT (if indeed you do.)

This plan is an alternative to the imposing characterless flats which are currently planned for the site by corporate bullies Grainger, and would retain the wonderful architectural heritage of the Wards Corner and Market buildings as well as the traders who currently operate from the market.




As of tuesday 18th March, the planning portal is down- please keep checking back.



Tags for Forum Posts: application, columbian, community, corner, demolition, grainger, heritage, market, planning, regeneration, More…seven, sisters, traders, wards

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It's an interesting plan and a great improvement on the Grainger scheme but there are a few things I'm not clear about. I don't know who owns the site but do you know if they support the proposal? Also, is funding sorted out to actually carry out the work?

Hey Michael, I am afraid i don't know any details. I haven't been personally involved but am a supporter of the alternative plan and when i receive newsletters from the Wards Corner Coalitoin i always pass on the info (hence the above posting.) Those are good questions, maybe you could email: wardscornercommunity@riseup.net for a response. (Feel free to post them up when you do hear back!) Thanks for looking!

The site is owned by Transport for London, which will not relinquish the freehold to anyone. We are asking for a 40-year lease at this stage. (The lease on the market is currently owned by one person who wants to retire. ) We have yet to hear TfL's response, but they seem pretty indifferent to what happens overhead. This plan, to restore the existing buildings, will cause them far fewer problems than the Grainger plan which risks damaging the tube station and involves driving massive piles 100 feet down IIRC, to support the weight of seven stories of private flats.

We have offers of funding, this can only be developed by formal discussion with LBH.  They have refused to meet our funders to date.

Any practical suggestions on how we can support?

Support the planning application at the link posted. Also, there are some planned fundraisers, i'll copy and paste the text from the email the group sent me:

Dear Friends,

It’s been a long time in the making but the Community Plan is finished! It has been submitted to the Council and is now awaiting a decision by the planning department. You can check out the easy-to-find plan here wardscornercommunityplan.wordpress.com/ (as it's a bit buried on the LBH website).

It’s vital that we show the Council just how much support there is for a community-led plan at Wards Corner and how local people can and should be determining the future of Tottenham. We managed to gather over 2000 objections to the Grainger scheme for the site, so we need to make sure we get at least as much support for the Community Plan. You can make this happen, so tell your friends, share it far and wide and of course leave your own comments too!

The Council allows 3 weeks for people to comment on planning applications, so we all have until 28th March to get our comments in. You can go here now to comment http://tinyurl.com/WCCplan . Please remember to tick the 'support' button too.
We are also holding a launch event on Thursday 27th March to celebrate the submission of the plans and offer you a fantastic virtual tour inside the Community Plan. There will be people on hand to guide you through the plans and it'll be a great opportunity for you to raise questions, discuss ideas and provide feedback; there will be food and refreshments too. The website is based on the StickyWorld platform and can be accessed here: https://cc.stickyworld.com/home. The site was created with support from The Open University and the Creative Citizens research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

So come along and have your say on the future of Wards Corner and Tottenham. The event is open to all but you can help us out by registering for free here:

Launch Event:
Thursday 27th March
7pm til late
Blankita Restaurant,(opposite the Costa Coffee at Tottenham Hale retail park)

189 Broad Lane,

N15 4QT


Tottenham Hale or walk from Seven Sisters



Free in the Retail Park for up to three hours

Twitter: http://twitter.com/Wards_Corner
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/rPkEiZ
Blog: http://wardscornercommunity.blogspot.co.uk/

the  http://tinyurl.com/WCCplan link doesn't work and I can't support or comment on the project.  any other links or suggestions?



I've noticed too... The council's planning portal is currently down (on tuesday 18th march). Keep checking back to see if it's up... using the link


The planing app reference is: HGY/2014/0575

Thank you. At this stage, by responding to the planning proposal on the LBH portal, as above, and by encouraging others to do the same.  2000 people objected to the Grainger plan, so it would be neat to get a similar number of supporters for our plan, for this we need word to go out in this crucial two weeks while the plan is open for comments. If you do Facebook, you can like our page there which will keep you up to date. Sign up to the mailing list via wardscornercommunity@riseup.net .  When we need boots on the ground, we can then let you know.  This plan, because it is not major in planning terms, will be decided in-house ie not at a public planning committee meeting, so we are not needing to bring supporters along to the Town Hall.   

We are still fundraising to pay the costs of our last High Court action against the Grainger scheme, how-to donate here.

And, keep sending us your supporting vibes, it's been a long haul but this is a significant step forward. Grainger and the Labour group thought they would wear us down, eight years later we're more convinced than ever that their old-fashioned (pre-crash) ideas for Seven Sisters are very wrong, we now show them that there is an alternative.

A lot of effort and skill has gone into this - well done to all those involved. It's much better than Grainger's bland, uninspiring, plans. Has Cllr Stanton now changed his mind on this issue? I do hope so! He was ghastly to the WCC campaigners and supporters when we lobbied the council to support this community plan (circa 2009). I would be happy to lobby TfL/Boris - as I did 5 years ago by taking local traders and residents to see Richard Barnes, the then Deputy Mayor of London (he was very sympathetic and helpful to us but unable to deliver) . Days before being elected in 2008, as Pam will remember, I took Boris to the market where he made a firm pledge to "save" the market and the building. He is now in charge of TfL -- and has been for the last 6 years! Don't let his forget that promise! Local Conservative members and supporters have long been supportive of the WCC's good work. Indeed, it was one of our members, Janet Harris, who defeated Grainger in the High Court. The work continues.

Justin Hinchliffe

Chair and Agent, Harringay, St Ann's, Seven Sisters and West Green Conservatives (Tottenham)

Why demolish when you can restore? 

Our plan is just for the corner store and the  market part of the site, and the two floors above. The Grainger plan is to demolish the whole centre including the shops on Seven Sisters Road and West Green Road, and the housing on Suffield Road - that can be improved in other schemes. The space inside the corner store runs into the huge empty area above the market, which has fabulous lighting through the light wells in the roof. It was seeing that space, in one of the rare times we got access, that made me see what people are on about, it's a Wow moment, but is very hidden from the road.   The frontage is pretty broken up behind the somewhat random collection of shop fronts and signs, but it would work much better if it's unified - think of Windsor Terrace, further up the High Road, that was restored with lottery money.

I'm not a designer so  can't follow your suggestion re the roof, though the restored Carpet Right shop may be what you mean?  It would be great if you can come to the launch on 27th March and talk to our designers; nothing is, as they say, set in stone. 

Launch info: We are holding a launch event on Thursday 27th March to celebrate the submission of the plans and offer you a fantastic virtual tour inside the Community Plan. There will be people on hand to guide you through the plans and it'll be a great opportunity for you to raise questions, discuss ideas and provide feedback; there will be food and refreshments too. The website is based on the StickyWorld platform and can be accessed here . The site was created with support from The Open University and the Creative Citizens research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Thanks, I think I get it now. I'll do a photoshop job to see how that would look stuck onto Wards' roof.  PS The corner will look better with the clock back in place on the second floor - I understand someone still has it in storage.

Our plan does create some housing - ten live/work units on the top floor. On the rest of the site, there are the two burnt buildings on the High Rd, and Suffield Road,  which we envisage being developed into new housing, beyond the scope of this present scheme. Between these, the potential total is not much less than Grainger's plan - and note that there are already 50-odd dwellings on the overall site which would need to be deducted from Grainger's total gain. Apex House, the Council building on the corner, is scheduled for replacement by mostly housing - it's already in the Area Action Plan. Humane decision-making would make that a block of beautiful social housing - and who would miss Apex House? The few existing Council services operating from there could even rent space in the restored Wards complex...   



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