Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Today scaffolding is going up on a property in Allison Road* for the 4th Loft conversion in as many weeks: Literally. 

It's good that people have the money and like the area enough to invest in their properties. 

But as a neighbour it would be pleasant to be informed.

Skips rubbish the pavment, along with builder's vans taking up parking spaces. Noise from the building works is significant and workers seem only able to communicate to each other by shouting. Building equipment is left overnight on the street. 

The old inhabitants of the street have died off, and a new more transient urban population has moved in losing a communal feeling. I miss it. 

A shame: but hopefully community will return. I will wait for the note through the letter box letting us all know about the next inevitable conversion. 

Thanks for reading. 

(Just stopped builder person sawing off a big branch of a tree to get the scaffolding truck parked!)

*House number redacted as per our terms and conditions

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You can stay informed of the planning proposals for projects near you. I receive a weekly email from the council listing all the proposals that have been submitted in the last week. I can't remember how I signed up to this 'press list' but there is probably information on the planning page of the council website.

Sometimes it's just nice to have some sympathy, which is what posting on HoL can get you.

Stamp duty and low interest rates. It will continue, at least someone is borrowing, not many others are.

Sorry but unless you are a next door neighbour you can't really expect to be informed about every bit of refurbishment/building work undertaken on your street. Just be happy that people are investing in the area - that tends to have a positive effect on property values overall - including yours.

I may as well get the early warning in then - I live on Allison Road and I am planning on doing a loft conversion later this year. Sorry if you think you'll be getting a note through your door from me though... you won't. I will, however, discuss it in detail with my immediate neighbours i.e. the ones it directly has an impact on.

I'd say the owner occupiers doing loft conversions is not even slightly a sign of a transient population. I wouldn't do it unless I was planning on being here for the long haul.

I'd have thought that loft conversions would be indicative of a less transient population. People who would previously have moved into a bigger property are now staying in the same place and expanding. Realistically it's inevitable given how much prices have increased, although they may have gone up in the same proportion, the absolute differences are getting higher.

In terms of parking, the day permits and skip fees help to fund the incredibly cheap annual parking permits that the minority of residents who own cars get.

I'd agree that as a direct neighbour you should be informed (I'm not sure how you'd get a Party Wall Agreement in place without that anyway) but if you just live nearby then it is one of those things that will happen every so often.

My annual permit is £57. Seems cheap to me. 

Hmm, 15.5p per day compared to the 8,000 quid and counting for the repairs to my home caused by subsidence and traffic vibration and 1,000+ for double glazing to deaden the noise of cars.  Seems a bargain.

If you get a parking space privately, i.e. don't use the sadly passed 1920 Roads Act to allow you to park on the road, it's about £50 a month to rent.

Dear Jamal,

I'll rise to the bait.

1) Road tax doesn't exist. It was abolished in 1937. What you pay now is a tax on vehicles which is based on emissions. Bikes don't produce greenhouse gas emissions or contribute to air pollution, therefore are not taxed. It is council tax that pays for roads and cyclists pay council tax just as much as car drivers do, even though it's motorised vehicles that damage roads by force of weighing much much more than a bike/causing potholes/damaging kerbs etc etc.

2) If every house on the ladder was allowed two car parking spaces for free, where on earth would all these cars fit?? There is barely space for one space per house, let alone two. That's a preposterous suggestion. 

I'll ignore your rant about cyclists though. 

Dunno what that has to do with parking charges

How do you explain the driver who drove into me and broke three of my bones and scarred my face because 'he didn't see' me in broad daylight on a straight road?

Just in the same way as you wouldn't say 'all drivers are careless' - I respond that not all cyclists ride on pavements, run red lights etc. There are always idiots, whatever category of transport they use, including pedestrians.

Don't tarnish everyone with the same brush. The vast majority of cyclists ride with care, just like I would hope the vast majority of drivers drive with care.



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