Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Are the independent businesses on West Green Road/Green Lanes the only places in the country who haven't heard about the plastics problem.....& tried to do something about it? It's not all the small businesses but many still automatically put single items in carrier bags, the number of plastic boxes from the take-aways must be huge & so many local restaurants & cafes are still putting plastic straws in all drinks. We've got huge buying power in this forum, we must be able to help influence this. 

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Yup I refuse plastic bags and cutlery all the time.

I take a cotton re-usable bag with me and it has taken time to get people to understand that I wont take the plastic one but now I just show them the cotton one up front and its getting easier.

Try taking your own reusable containers and a cotton bag and tell them that you prefer these and see how it goes, it may take a while.

New regulations are coming of a 10p charge on all plastic bags regardless if they are a big or small business https://consult.defra.gov.uk/environmental-quality/extending-the-si... and there are proposals to end plastic straws so hopefully we will all have to rethink our behaviour. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/oct/22/ban-on-plastic-...

I am seriously put off from having takeaways by the amount of plastic. I have them ds rarely I forget by the next time, but perhaps this thread will change my behaviour.

Some places have reusable tubs, which are OK as they are, well, reusable.

Just have a look at one of the cross roads in the gardens on a Saturday morning; littered with plastic takeaway detritus.

Yasar Halim is one that annoys me a lot (mainly as it is my local shop). They always try to put single items in carrier bags and look at you really weirdly when you say 'no, I've brought my own bag'. I hate to see the number of single use carrier bags they actively give away. Really pleased that the law looks like it is changing to make these chargeable now

A lot of it seems to end up littered on West Green Road as well. Maybe a public screening of Blue Planet 2 would be advisable!

Definitely an issue on Green Lanes. All of the independent shops shove things in bags automatically without asking.

Takeaways are even worse... in fact those restaurants (Gokyuzu, Hala, Anteplier) that have gone upmarket have invested in pretty bespoke packaging, bags, cutlery, containers etc. They shove cutlery in without asking all the time.

I'm really disappointed at the lack of effort to try & reduce the plastic that local businesses are passing onto their customers. In most cafes/restaurants/pubs, you don't have to say "no straw" anymore but EVERY time we go for a family meal at Kervan Sofrasi Restaurant near the Mall on the High Road, we ALL get one! It sounds like most people in this thread have on-going similar examples.

I'm not confident that the 10p charge for plastic bags & extending that to small retailers will have much impact. The consultation proposals don't seem to include fast food places & it sounds as though the 10p would go into the retailers pocket (rather than environmental clean-up projects), which would surely be an incentive for them to 'sell' more bags to customers?

I love the idea of a screen of Blue Planet 2....on Duckett's Common? I was trying to think of other ideas too. Is it worth creating some sort of Harringay Online forum endorsed statement which we could give out whenever we make a purchase? Something along the lines of "we're trying to reduce the plastic bags/straws/cutlery & packing generated by local businesses in Harringay. Please would you consider not using them or switching to bio-degradable packaging". What do you think, any other ideas? 

Is all this effort to share opinion among ourselves in the forum wasted? Has anyone thought about writing a simple letter to business owners and hand delivering them one day? The letter would be easy to write and can include links to all of these discussions.

Absolutely agree - I've thought about doing something previously. Is there some group that liaises between the residents and traders?

Might be worth getting in contact with the new Wood Green BID? Covers approximately the area between Wood Green and Turnpike Lane tube stations. 


That area doesn't cover the shops talked about in this post, but it can do no harm (well done and good luck!)

Found the below - I've emailed them highlighting this thread and asking what the current plan is. I've also given them some ideas for simple measures to reduce plastic consumption.

Here's to hoping!




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