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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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John McMullan  by John McMullan 49 minutes ago


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Don't we have a WRN4 association  - South Wightman up to Warham ?
yes and an N8 one, mentioned in my post above (only I thought people might not know what WRN4 actually meant so I  took the liberty of extending their official name)
Thanks, missed it but have never heard of them ( N8 ) Curiously, I used to get notices from the N4 lot but these seem to have ceased.

John M

I am not arguing I am stating facts, the LCSP is run democratically* and you can influence that at their AGM in July I believe. The LCSP is far from perfect and like many the GRA model is preferable, but it's what we have at the moment and they hold credibility where it matters. 

When you have an unelected body of people, whether that be residents or shop owners, it will always be scrutinised as it doesn't represent anyone in a democratic sense, no matter how big. You may disagree with those who are run by committee, but at least it is open for change and the chance to influence is there. Is the LCSP not up for upgrading it's aims ie more akin to the GRA, genuine question? If possible the LCSP (and WRN4/8) hold the key for expansion. Do we need yet more splinter groups?

I have learnt this the hard way by starting a group as a hobby but as it has grown it was criticised for not being committee run, which was a fair comment. We now run as a committee which leaves us less open for criticism and we hold more credibility within the football supporters community for that.

* There maybe issues but non the less members and committee members are voted in and out.

We are going to declare ourselves North Harringay (North of NHS) and await Andy's terms. Perfectly happy to support their bogus accident statistics and traffic calming schemes if they will support ours.

I just wanted to point out that Andy has done a really brilliant job for the gardens through a lot of hard work and by donating a lot of his own time. If we all spent even 1% of the time on community projects, this area would be one of the best places to live in London. I really dislike the tone of this whole post (and many others) about the GRA and the cheap shot is uncalled for.

If this kind of unpleasantness resulted in people like Andy deciding not to give their time to the local community we'd all notice the difference for the worst.

Incidentally all Harringay residents are welcome to the Community Garden, so come on down and enjoy the result of residents hard work. But stop with the cheap shots please.

I think you've misjudged John's post, Dominic. As John wil tell you, I've had plenty to say about stuff he's written and he's given my edit/delete finger some good exercise in the past. But, right here, I think John is showing a genuine respect for the GRA whilst also teasing, without malice, about the well-known difference of opinion that exists over the closure of the Gardens.

As far as other references to the GRA on HoL, here are all of them. From memory, and a quick skim, they're overwhelmingly in praise. There may some less favourable stuff around the traffic issue, but I'm certain that the overwhelming tone and level of content is very much in favour. Any government, council or other organisation coudl only dream of such positive coverage.

If, however, there are references you feel uncomfortable about, point them out and I'll take a look.

I would like to add my comments in support of the LCSP (Ladder Community Safety Partnership).
The LCSP was set up over 12 years ago and in the 11 years that I have been a member, has had 3 different chairs and numerous officers all elected at the AGM.
The LCSP has a large local membership of residents from Ladder roads, Green Lanes, Wightman Road and Harringay Gardens. There are close links with other Resident Associations such as Wightman Road N4 and the GRA (Gardens Residents Association). The LCSP is supported by councillors and the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team, who regularly attend their meetings.
To take just the most obvious examples, over the past few years the LCSP, following discussions at monthly meetings, has:
• Successfully bid for money for 150 trees in the Ladder/Green Lanes (all planted).
• Played a key role in lobbying the council on the issue of unauthorised HMOs/conversions, leading to
the new Additional Licensing Scheme.
• Campaigned against betting outlets in Green Lanes; organising petitions/objections and attending
• Worked with many other local organisations on the Green Lanes Food Festival
• Publicised personal safety measures and crime information updates via monthly minutes and leaflet
• Advertised their meetings on the Notice Boards in Umfreville Road and Turnpike Lane, and in the
Hornsey/Tottenham Journal.
(Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month (except August) at St Paul’s Church Hall,
Cavendish Road, and all residents of the Ladder community are welcome to go along.)
I, along with other residents in our street, have had a lot of help and support from the LCSP on planning and local enforcement issues, so of course I am a satisfied customer. I cannot understand why anyone would suggest reinventing the wheel when you have already got a first class vehicle up and running? Just get involved!
One final and very significant observation, which only one contributor to this discussion has picked up. Many residents in the Ladder area do not have/use the internet. The LCSP is very aware of that and hand delivers minutes and agendas to the letter-box of all of its members who ask for this service.

Thanks for that recap Jean. Just so it's clear, I approached the LCSP when I first set up this site and offered them full use of the site  to connect with local people. I was listened to. The offer remains open.

I don't remember our paths crossing when I used to attend LCSP. Is it my memory?

So, local resident, disconsolate that his neighbourhood seems worse than it did when he bought his house ten years ago, complains online that he us not well served by the current model of resident support (HoL & LCSP). Notes, slightly sarcastically that the model across the road (GRA) is more effective.
Model over the road comes back with "we're nice people really and we work hard but neglects to mention their most amazing success, the gating of their community to through traffic".
Current model comes back with "we work hard, we got some trees and not everybody has the internet".

Well tell me, if hard work and regular meetings are the most important thing then why are the GRA so successful and the LCSP not so? It's an honest question. What are they doing that we are not? Could they perhaps publish all the correspondence they've had with the council over getting those rising bollards installed? Perhaps then we might learn something but to my mind hard work and meetings are not working and I presume the LCSP was complicit in that ugly banner on the bridge too. Ditto Parkside Malvern RA who seem to be ignored completely by the council over their traffic issues.
Oh Will you are funny, at least you're sincere.
Oh Will, the offline deals and private conversations are something I have a problem with. They allow the council to practice divide and conquer with us. As for my comments about hard work, I'm trying to say that it's pointless just working hard if you want something significant done. There is only one RA around here that is successful. What are they doing differently to the others or is all this RA hard work a sham and we'll get what we get hard work or no?

All now fixed John. No need for an RA on the Ladder any more. Tch, if only you'd had a little patience:



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