Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Well not quite... but a welcome sight 


For oft, when on my couch I lie  
  In vacant or in pensive mood,   20
They flash upon that inward eye  
  Which is the bliss of solitude;  
And then my heart with pleasure fills,  
And dances with the daffodils.

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Keep an eye open on Wightman Road for these beauties brightening up a wheelie bin heavy front garden (near the top of Warham).

Well I'd like to say keep an eye out for mine too, but unfortunately for the third year running someone has picked/stolen them all! (Stamford Hill)

I'm so fed up with this as I really look forward to seeing them each spring.  Are gangs doing it to sell or is it just a nasty selfish individual I wonder?  I can't believe it.  They left me one out of between 15 and 20 - the first and probably only daffodils of the year.......  It was only yesterday that I thought I better put a please don't pick sign up.  Probably wouldn't have made any difference.

Well done for your cheering efforts though.

You have my sympathy Genna. I almost abandoned growing daffs in the street garden as they barely had time to bloom before they were picked. We've lost one or two already and I expect to lose more to be honest. As to who takes them, I think it's sometimes kids who pick them. If they're going to give them to their mum or teacher, I mind that less than when I find them thrown down yards away. When we lose a lot in one go, I suspect selfish individuals too tight to pay a couple of quid in a flower shop.

But that's street gardens. Some people see anything in public space as fair game.

If anything goes from my front garden, I am less laid back. One year, I nurtured a beautiful giant sunflower. The day after it opened, some vile human being picked it and chucked it away 50 m up the road. To say that I cursed them roundly, it putting it mildly. I cant't understand people like that and I'm not sure I ever could.

Thanks for the commiserations Liz.  I only noticed it a few hours ago so I'm still feeling really sore about it.  I'm sure quite a lot of this must go on, yet searching on Twitter and google returned a single story from a few years ago - something about the police being called because two young girls were seen picking daffs in the park.  As you, I wouldn't get too het up about the odd one taken by a child, but all of them!

That's terrible and heartless/stupid of such people. Parents should discourage kids from doing it. 

Daffodils are a pound a bunch in the supermarkets so no excuse for adults. People who pick them and chuck them away a few yards later are just wilfully destructive and will have bad karma for the rest of their lives… the flowers and plants will get their revenge even if we can't. what goes around comes around… 

Lovely Liz, thanks for a cheery start to the day. 

yes thanks!  Spring really is on its way

Just adding a snap of the Frobisher daffs

I passed by Selale today and was impressed by their lovely display! Congrats to them.

 Would be nice if other restaurants put out flowers, where they could. It really brightens up the concrete jungle of the Lanes. 

Love the yellow and purple (purple being the colour of Lent they tell me) planting at St Paul Harringay on Wightman Road. Their daffs are just coming out now, a glorious show.  There are purple bedding plants between the daffs and lovely planters by the doors. Don't forget to have a look as you pass.



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