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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

How London Concrete Got Planning Permission and how to Stop Something Simillar Happening again

The following message from Green N8 provides critical information on how we can all help shape the area we live in:

Haringey Council is in the process of preparing its Local Development Framework which will replace its Unitary Development Plan with new planning policies and proposals.

Not Paying attention to this, may result in undesirable development coming near you.

Why London Concrete got permission for their plant

One of the reasons London Concrete was able to apply for their batching plant in N8, is because they used a planning agent to insert policies into Haringey UDP (Unitary Development Plan) 2 - 3 years before they put their first planning application in.

By the time the application was in the system, we could not make any significant contribution to the policies that allowed it in.

This should be a lesson to us all. If we don’t want to wake up in the next few years to more planning atrocities, the key is to keep a watchful eye on those planning policies when they are formed! So that if those policies open the door for an undesired development to come near you, you could do something about it before it is too late

How the UDP can change your life

A good example to illustrate my point would be the issue of housing density - a very hot issue for the next few years no doubt. At the time we were campaigning against the Crouch end and Muswell hill Pay and display and CPZ, Haringey was putting in place policies on Housing density. Looking into it, I could see how theses policies would make the following scenario possible:

Any developer can buy a 4 bedroom house in a road like Oakfield rd, demolish it, and build 5/6 story block of flats in its place.

When I flagged it out at the time, I encountered disbelieve! Now only 2 years later this has already happened! On Oakfield road.

I give this example to demonstrate that you don’t need to be a genius to suss out those things - they do leap out of the pages at you, as soon as you read them.

Crouch End and Muswell Hill are not designated to high density housing, because they are not near transportation hubs - Rail or tube stations. But developers prefer it as it cost the same to build in Crouch end as it is in Tottenham, but the profit made from development in Muswell Hill or Crouch End is far greater and indeed we have seen many high density new blocks of flats being built where their is no transportation hubs.

If we had applied the same pressure on Haringey while London Concrete inserted their item in the UDP, as we did when they applied for their application, they would not have been able to make that application and get a permission to build a concrete batching plant in the middle of a residential community.

Join New Haringey Council Planning Portal and have your say

Haringey Council is in the process of preparing its Local Development Framework which will replace its Unitary Development Plan with new planning policies and proposals.

A new consultation system now offers you the option of providing comments on documents electronically using the Internet. In addition, you can participate in surveys and forums on a given topic or area of interest.

The Council has set up an online system for future consultation on the Local Development Framework which will replace its Unitary Development Plan with new planning policies and proposals.

Every one can join it and participate. Go to Haringey Council Consulation Portal

You can view the Local Development Framework together with other documents, such as areas gazetted for housing development at Haringey Council's Local Development Framework

Tags for Forum Posts: concrete factory, development, framework, local, london, plan, planning, unitary

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