Permalink Reply by Liz on October 10, 2008 at 12:04
Tom such methods already exist but Enterprise seem reluctant to spend the money on them for their cleaners.
You have entered the weird and wonderful world of council contractor speak. Translation: You didn't see what you thought you saw, buster, you don't know what you're talking about and it ain't our fault if the local scuzzy dog owners don't clear up, now sling your hook...
Incidentally, doing a check after the Tuesday sweeper, who is known for his diligence (especially since he knows someone is checking up on him) is not good enough. Spot checks, unannounced, are what is needed.
Permalink Reply by Liz on October 10, 2008 at 12:26
Sad though this is to recount, I also once got so fed up with this dog turd (not a picture, but more on what I did) that was not being cleaned up that I sent a picture of it to the Council. The Passage was spotless the next time I went past