This from Haringey Council's website:
On dog dirt patrol at Albert Road Rec
Tuesday 20 May 2008
Dog walkers on Albert Road Recreation Ground were the focus of attention last week when enforcement officers and police made sure they picked up their dog mess.
Haringey Council enforcement officers and the Police Community Support Officers challenged ten dog owners reminding them to pick up their dog mess in an attempt to keep the park clean for visitors.
As part of operation Clean Sweep the officers patrolled Albert Recreation Ground and Alexandra Palace Park and confronted anyone not picking up after their dog.
Cllr Nilgun Canver, cabinet member for crime and safer communities, said:
"This is good work. All of us who have dogs are duty bound to ensure they do not leave mess behind. Albert Road is a lovely park and the grass areas are well used. People want to be able to sit and picnic or play football without having to dodge dog mess. We provide waste bins specifically for dog walkers to dispose of their dog mess so their really is no excuse."
Officers now intend to make regular patrols of the parks, particularly in the early morning when many people walk their dogs.
Now, remind me. We don't have a problem like this round here do we?
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