This from the Haringey Federation of Residents' Associations (HFRA):
Each year Haringey Council bids to Transport for London (TfL) for funding to improve the transport infrastructure around the borough. In regards to walking, we would like to concentrate our bids on developing safe, inviting and accessible pedestrian routes between popular locations in the borough.
The information you provide will be developed into bids and submitted to TfL in May. The funding will be decided in late 2008 to begin after April 2009. [Deadline for responses is 18 April 08]
Have your say: Identify the walking routes
We would like to know which routes YOU would like us to prioritise. You can suggest as many routes as you can think of. These should be between points of local interest, such as:
Public transport stops or stations
Schools, community centres or leisure centres
Local shopping parades or centres
Health and care services
Other key destinations, such as parks
Your suggestions for how they can be improved
Please tell us HOW you think the routes you have identified can be improved, for example:
Installing or upgrading a crossing point
Improving or widening the footways or pavements
Decluttering street furniture
Sign posting to local destinations
Hard and soft landscaping
Measures to slow or reduce motor traffic
Crime prevention measures
Please provide your suggestions using the format provided below. This will ensure that we have all the information we need to assess and build upon your suggestions. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please phone Salome Simoes on 020 8489 1161. Please return your suggestions by 18 April 08 to or Salome Simoes, 2nd floor River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green, London N22 8HQ.
Next steps
We may also invite a small number of contributors to a workshop with Sustainable Transport officers to develop their suggestions further. If your route is selected, we will contact you by 22 April to invite you a workshop, which is likely to be held at 6.30pm on the 24 April 08. Please can you indicate whether you can attend on this day and time?
Thank you in advance for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Malcolm Smith
Team Leader for Transportation, Sustainable Transport
Suggested Walking Routes
Description of route
Between ............................................. and ............................................
Who regularly uses this route and do they have any special needs?
e.g. parents with buggies or wheelchair users, require dropped kerbs
dog walkers, need dog litter bins,
visually impaired, require tactile paving and reduced street clutter
How can the existing route be improved?
e.g. improving a crossing point?
widening the pavements?
reducing street furniture?
sign posting to local destinations?
hard and soft landscaping?
measures to slow or reduce motor traffic?
Your name ..............................................
the organisation you represent..............................................
your contact details..............................................
Organisation ..............................................
Phone number..............................................
Are you, or another member of your organisation, able to attend a workshop on 24 Apr?
Yes/ No
If not you, please provide name and contact details of the person who can attend?
Please complete and return to by 18 April 08
Tags for Forum Posts: Wightman Road, funding, local ideas, new river, new river path, tfl, walking
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