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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Michael Anderson
  • Male
  • London
  • United Kingdom
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Michael Anderson replied to Alan Stanton's discussion General Election: U.S. Journalist Chris Hedges flies in to back Blackburn candidate Craig Murray
"So I should not have been vocal in my criticism the UK’s lack of legal recognition of same sex partnerships unless I had been equally vocal on the appalling treatment of LGBTQ+ people in other countries in the world, some of which receive…"
Jun 22
Michael Anderson replied to Alan Stanton's discussion General Election: U.S. Journalist Chris Hedges flies in to back Blackburn candidate Craig Murray
"Back in 2006, David and I were amongst the first people to enter into a civil partnership.  The local authority where we had the ceremony asked to interview me for their council magazine - which I did. In the interview I mentioned that I had…"
Jun 22
John Shulver liked Michael Anderson's discussion Free collection of small electricals
Jun 16
Michael Anderson liked Alice B's discussion Jumping the lights on Green Lanes
Jun 14
Michael Anderson replied to Alice B's discussion Jumping the lights on Green Lanes
"I really dislike crossing from the east side of Green Lanes where it forks off to West Green Road.  There is a sharp curve and it’s difficult to anticipate if the traffic is going to continue south or turn left.  You only see…"
Jun 14
Michael Anderson replied to Alice B's discussion Jumping the lights on Green Lanes
"It’s always been an issue but I find it even more of challenge to cross since I started using a walking stick.  My ability to run when a vehicle decides to jump the lights has been severely reduced!  Cameras there would rake in a…"
Jun 14
Kate replied to Michael Anderson's discussion Free collection of small electricals
"I asked in the Wood Green branch and they take light bulbs - will ask about other electrical stuff when drop off light bulbs!"
Jun 10
Michael Anderson liked anton's discussion Adorable adult cat looking for adoption
Jun 10

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Michael Anderson's Blog

Can you help me Dr Beat?

Posted on April 22, 2012 at 19:00 17 Comments

The first record I ever bought was "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies. They weren't even a real band, just a bunch of cartoon characters from an American TV show. Fortunately my older sister had a wonderful collection of Beatles, Stones, Small Faces and Kinks records plus occasional forays in psychedelia with Pink Floyd and The Soft Machine. My Mam and Dad had some fantastic 50's records by Elvis, Connie Frances and Al Martino so the Dansette was always buzzing.

By the early seventies I… Back to Harringay Online

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At 12:29 on January 30, 2018, Chris Setz said…

Thanks Michael - really helps.  I'm trying to help promote open source tree data. TPOs (as you doubtless know) are stuck between planning and greenspace services.  Couldn't find any TPO-related info in the tree labelling on Camden's map - how was it done when you were involved? Be nice to know a bit more about Camden - looks as if they wrote their GIS themselves in asp.net ?  I suppose there's no chance they'll move to a purely open source (i.e. not microsoft) solution is there?  Do you think they could be persuaded to make their tree data available via an API, ideally adding it to this list: http://opendatacommunities.org/doc/london-borough-council/camden ?

At 16:49 on May 20, 2016, catherine tutton said…

i can come in the morning  on 28.5 in the  morning for the cleaning

At 10:22 on April 15, 2016, AndrewAW1 said…


I'm no expert but you can ask.

I tend to use http://batchgeo.com/ which is pretty straightforward if your data is in the correct format.

At 12:26 on February 1, 2016, Antoinette said…
The only thing Justin Hinchcliffe is putting me off is him! I have asked the site administrator to remind him of the house rules and to back off. It still feels like snitching to the teacher but the man is a bully in my view
At 18:08 on August 26, 2014, Philip said…

Now i have my dates mixed up. THIS saturday is fine but please text when you are coming as i don't always use hol?

At 11:00 on August 26, 2014, Philip said…

Yes but can't guarantee as have a busy day. would suggest trying to get it before. I'm at 167b Langham road

At 12:53 on August 11, 2014, PeterPiper said…

Hi Michael,

Tried to send you a message yesterday. Did you receive it?

At 13:26 on March 17, 2014, Robert Glover said…
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your reply,
However, no.9 Wightman Rd. was the first house next to the off licence, opp. St Pauls and is featured in some of the very early photos on the HoL site.
I lived there from about '48 for30 ish years, but now live in Somerset.

Kind regards
At 11:52 on April 21, 2013, Allie said…

Hey Michael.

Let me know your address and I will try and pop round this afternoon. A

At 14:43 on September 20, 2012, Johnny said…


Hi Michael

Glad to hear you're interested.  I think the best I can do is point you to the old MPC website (it has recently been rebranded as MOPAC, but the ICV pages don't seem to have been moved yet).  On this page:


towards the bottom, is person spec (which I've cut and pasted below).  I think the most important is confidence - you need to be able to comfortably engage with detainees and to be able on occasion to challenge the police on findings.  Training is given, and there are three monthly Panel meetings where experiences are shared and support and advice is given.


Let me know if you need any more.



Person specification 

Essential criteria  Measure by
Must be at least 18 years of age Application
Must live or work in the police authority area (volunteers may visit in either the borough they live, work or study). Application
To demonstrate sufficient time and flexibility to carry out the custody visiting role. Interview
To work with other visitors as part of a team to meet the police authority’s visiting programme. Interview
Good communications skills both oral and written. Application/Interview
Shows an appreciation of the different groups and communities that reflect London’s diversity and a commitment to equal opportunities. Interview
To demonstrate resilience and an ability to challenge. Interview
To demonstrate an independent and impartial view in relation to all parties involved in the custody visiting process. Interview
To be able to maintain confidentiality. Interview
To demonstrate ability to complete forms clearly and concisely. Application/Interview
Desirable criteria  
Some knowledge of independent custody visiting. Interview
To demonstrate mobility in relation to undertaking visits. Interview


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