Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As you may well have noticed, there have been a few updates on the network overnight. The most obvious is the new look for the latest activity - avatars replaced by icons of dubious meaning and the adding of the first couple of lines for each activity.

I'm finding that hard to get used to.

Any thoughts from you guys?

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Hi Hugh

Any thoughts on the outcome of your post? It also seems to take longer to open up than it did, not sure of other people find that too. Is this anything that you can control or is it a ning thing?
Yes definitely slower now and that 'chat' strap line at the bottom of the web page is annoying. Sems to be no option of switching it off without signing out all together.
Sorry Hugh, I've tried to like it. I hated the Guardian when they changed it a few years ago but could not imagine going back now... but this.... it's just old and nasty looking.
I like the short summary you get on the home page of what someone has added but I don't get the new avatars, vastly prefer them as they were.

In terms of navigating, I tend to rely on the latest activity lists but as others have said, this can be tricky when you've not been on for a while.
I agree about the avatars and find the new latest activity less useful. I'm hoping we can get this changed but it's out of my control.
Is there a platform other than 'ning' that can give us more control? Maybe computer whizz John can look into this.
No, there isn't. Ning is reckoned to be the best. Of course if you use someone else's platform you'll never have the same level of control + how would we transfer 2 years of content?
OK. So they don't have different themes available which allow flexibility in presentation and functionality? Wordpress in blog world does this and is open source so loads of different themes available and ways of using widgets etc.

Take your point regards content transfer. Probably not do-able.

Can you provide link to 'ning' so members here can feedback direct to them on changes?
Yes they have plenty of different themes. This site uses none of them. It is highly customised - to the extent that many people familiar with Ning have said they don't recognise it as a Ning site (whether that's true or not it speaks to the amount of time and trouble we've taken in to create a site that's unique fro Harringay and delivers what we want locally).
I find the short summary a bit irritating because you get the gist of what someone is saying so somebody like me doesn't bother clicking on to read the whole thing



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