Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

We have applied for a grant from the Aviva Community Fund to provide travel cards to our guests: Isolation is a real problem and many generous hosts can't afford to subsidise travel as well as room and, often, board.

Could you vote for us? You get ten votes. We'd appreciate them.


And then tell all your family and friends. Please.

We have now made over 200 placements and hosted for over 7,000 person nights. Plus the West London hosts' hub is going very well and we have a new hub in Kingston. New one due in Bristol. North London may be next!

Your support would be very welcome. thanks 

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Can you tell us how many men have you placed into hosts?

Not without a lot of work, but I would estimate that about two thirds of our guests are men.

So that's between 4,000 and 5,000 hosted nights. the reason it is hard without a serious trawl through the data base is that some people have more than one placement.

I could try and look properly if it really matters.

Why does it?

No, don't worry. I was talking to Tommy from Housing Justice - London Hosting Project and he told me that there is a lot of men waiting to be hosted but most people wanted to host women. 

They have a waiting list of 28 and there of them are women. They will get into accommodation but the men will have a long wait. It's a pity. There is a young Eritrean man sleeping rough around Woodgreen. He is waiting for Section 95 accommodation but the HO have not contacted him since June.

We host people actively in the asylum-seeker system or recent refugees. We do ask for asylum-seekers to be referred by their case-worker.
If they email info@refugeesathome.org we can see if we can help.
We have hosts in the Home Counties too - so flexibility helps.

I have met/worked with Tommy and Alastair from Housing Justice - we are all trying to achieve the same things using slightly different methods.

I am sure the Haringey Migrant Support Centre has referred him to Refugees at Home.

We work with them a lot so he may well be on the books then. Do you know anyone in the patch with a spare room who might host?
Would be fab!

I will see if he is on the books and report back here if you like. I know lots of people hosting people in the patch If any of them had a spare room then they would give him a bed. 



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