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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Keston Centre  N17 is at the south east side of Downhills Park accessed via Keston Road and  houses Haringey Council’s Childrens’ Services, West Green Nursery & the Goan Centre.

Pocket Living the developers propose to build a huge development of 140 flats /houses on the site some up to 4 storeys,dominating this precious green space . Its completely out of character with the  area , and will have a detrimental impact on local residents . And developers plan  to carve out an area of the Park for access and parking.

  If you care about Downhills Park attend the  CONSULTATION MEETING ON 20 JULY 2016

 Downhills Park Friends’ and residents’ main objections are to:

--the huge development of up to 4 storeys which will dominate our  award-winning park

   -  carving out part of this protected green space currently enjoyed by the public

 --the development being completely out of character with the surrounding 2-storey buildings

 --the development posing a detrimental impact on local residents’ parking, local services & family lives


 Attend the official Consultation meeting and make your voice heard on  20 July 2016, 7pm – Haringey Planning Development Management Forum

or talk to the developers 3.30 - 6.30 pm  

Venue for both :  West Green Baptist Church, 182/184 West Green Rd, N15 5AF

  • Join us to discuss further action and in making an objection to the planning application, due to be submitted to Haringey Council probably in September 2016 - for details contact Rod on 07584 253699 or rodwells1@hotmail.co.uk


    Background  In March 2015 Haringey Council’s Local Plan (Planning document) showed a proposed development on this site  of 87 dwellings and up to 5 storeys high, and more than 60 residents objected to this. 


    Then Haringey council sold the land to developers, Pocket Living, despite total lack of consultation of  local residents and their  protests-which  were not even allowed  to be heard at the Councils Cabinet meeting . The plan allowed for a proposal of  102 residential units !.

    Now Pocket Living are planning this huge development of 140 flats /houses is planned up to 4 storeys and dominating the Park !

    BUT Planning permission still needs to be granted at the Council’s  planning committee l –possibly in September 2016

Tags for Forum Posts: development, downhill, keston

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Rod: this is hysterical nonsense, why don't you start and deal with some of the earlier points raised? I'll probably have more to say too!

Residents came away fuming and frustrated from the packed consultation meeting on 20 July 2016 about proposals over development at the Keston Centre which includes flats  5 storeys high that would dominate Downhills Park.  

Current photo : 

Nice photo but it happens to be a view of Broadwater Farm from Lordship Rec not Downhills Park, both N17 but different parks.

it is a useful photo, isn't it. the blue and red buildings shown are five stories and seven stories. you can see that even the seven storey blocks are easily screened by trees

for me five stories is not an issue. it won't dominate the park at all. the best focus for a campaign might be to seek to influence the design of the development and insist on planting that will soften the rather minimal impact it will have

lordship park, finsbury park and many other parks have survived five stories and more, i'm sure the same will be true for downhills


We obviously see different things-even 5 storeys are not screened by trees  and it is Lordship Rec

5 storeys is WRONG and against the Councils own plans for the Seven Sisters area that state 1-3 storeys apart from certain major roads

and its not what residents want!


The Site Allocations doc specifically states up to 5 floors for the Keston Centre!!

You live in a city. You can't expect not to see buildings.

Even the Queen has an excellent view of the Hilton Hotel.

Classic NIMBYISM. 

It is unfair and inaccurate to dismiss people's objections to the five storey development as NIMBYISM. Local people well appreciate the housing crisis and are not objecting to any development of the site. The main objection is to the height of the development and the detrimental impact that three five storey blocks will have on the small and much loved local park.

Firstly, as parks go, it isn't "small". Secondly, you have two tower blocks overlooking the Rec--what's the problem with five? Btw, I am local...

It IS in my backyard (unlike others here) and I'm all for more affordable housing in the area.

Hello Sarah it is not affordable housing in fact it is unaffordable housing for most people in Tottenham



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