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This Thread is a 'Sticky' thread acting as a central exchange for Cat Sitting


Hello all

I'm not sure how this would work or if anyone would be interested but here goes......

I have 2 cats and I live on the southern end of the ladder. I would be more than happy to cat sit for others in the area and would love it if someone could return the favour for me from time to time.

I am CRB checked and have looked after animals, and cats, all my life. I also have family members and friends who are vets and vet nurses.

Would there be some way of making a little local cat sitting group?

Any ideas would be gratefully received.


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I can recommend Vicky http://www.happydogsandcats.co.uk/pet-behaviour-services/cat-sitting/

She feeds a lot of cats on the ladder, have known her for years and she's excellent. She doesn't stay over.

Hi all

I've not joined this thread as usually I have neighbours helping out if I'm away from my 3 cats. My dilemma  is I need to find them a temp place to stay either together or separately as we have to move out for a week or so while major repair is carried out. I'm wondering what are local catteries like (if any) and how expensive are they? Or are there any cat-lovers likely to offer a temp home with help with costs etc? I've never had to put any of my pets in a cattery so am reluctant to use one now, especially for my elderly cat, Chica, who might find it all too strange and scary. The other 2 are tougher more resilient brothers but still the thought of sticking them in a cattery too seems too much. Any ideas or suggestions much appreciated... Thanks!

Hi Suze. Maybe a local neighbour can provide a temporary home for a week -  you would need someone without cats of their own. The only thing you need to be careful of - if they stay in someone else's home - is to make sure your cats don't go outside. I deal a lot with lost cats and cats often get lost if they stay in someone else's home as they manage to escape - the person looking after them leaves a window ajar or door open by mistake and the cat gets out and gets lost as it doesn't know where it is. (I expect your cats are already microchipped, but if not, it's best to get them chipped).

Like you, I've never had to use a cattery for my cats. However, the vet which I have used for years and rate highly is Village Vet. I know that they have a cattery, details here http://www.villagevetcattery.co.uk/

You're right, cats don't like being away from their own home! I'm sure either option will work as it's only for a week and then they'll be glad to be back home with you.

i can ask my friend who is a fosterer and hasnt any cats at the moment but one of the cats she fostered for a longtime just got put to sleep by their present owner, bla bla so she is very upset and may not feel able to

when are you talking about,

my friend lives in tottenham and you would need to transport them

Hi Tigha, that would be great if you could ask if that's a possibility. Or if anyone knows of other fosterers too. I haven't got firm dates yet - waiting for landlady and builders to confirm -  but probably end of July or more likely during August, which makes it difficult to plan. Transporting to Tottenham isn't a problem or anywhere in North London, so long as they're cared for and safe!! I would recompense costs of course. Thanks

Thanks Justine for suggestions. Unfortunately as much as my neighbours are lovely and helpful, they're happy to pop in and feed but it's too much to ask them to look after cats in their own home full time. It probably needs cat lovers like fosterers to take on such a responsibility so if you know of any fosterers, that would be great. A cattery would be a last resort I think as it might be too bewildering particularly my older cat (and I can't really afford it either).

i have sent you a connection request so i can give you paulette,s number

Hi just wondered if anyone is around Friday and Saturday to feed our cat? We're on Wightman Road by the Greek Church. I am happy to return the favour at another time and am DBS checked - I've exchanged cat feeding on here before but they're away at the minute.

Thank you - Sarah.

Hi sarah

I could do the Friday for you but unfortunately not the Saturday as we go away first thing.  Let me know.

Regards Sam

Thank you Sam - that's very kind of you. I think I've found someone now and only have one set of  spare keys so would be easier to have one person doing it. Thanks again. If you need anyone in the future let me know.

Hi Everybody,

Just arrived in Harringay with my cat. I'm looking for a new vet for her. Any recomendations ? (One with Out Of Hours not miles away would be greatly appreciated !)

Thank you !

Welcome to the neighbourhood Lilly! We've used Village Vet for about 15 years now and they are excellent. We've got 5 rescue cats so we have had a lot of vet trips over the years!

We use the Winchmore Hill branch which is about a 20 min drive from the Ladder, but can be up to 30 mins in peak traffic. You can book consultations up to 8pm on weekdays. They are also open Sat and Sun.

They are 24hour - and that's themselves not another vet cover service as Village Vet have their own 24 hour clinic/hospital in Hampstead which many other vet practices use as their 24 hour cover. (I've only gone to Hampstead once as anything urgent has been dealt with at Winchmore Hill - as they are open such long hours and they have a vet with the animals overnight).

My favourite vet is Simon, but they are all excellent, such as Francesca and Jon, and the staff are very friendly, such as Sean on reception. I know my cats have the best care, the best medical treatment and I'm very fussy!

Village Vet also have other branches so if you want a closer branch - their Highbury branch is on Blackstock Rd N5 which is a 5 to 10 min drive from the Ladder. www.villagevet.co.uk



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