Its been shut a week now...
Someone mentioned refurbishment but it seems pretty dead both day and night.
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I know nothing about Jam in a Jar. Nor about its "planning/licensing woes."
But as a general principle shouldn't HoL take concerns about noise seriously? Ditto, planning and licensing rules? Calling for the same rules to be applied equitably for everyone; to people and businesses we like as well as those we don't?
Otherwise the system becomes playing favourites.
I'm not sure who you're addressing when you say "shouldn't HoL take concerns about noise seriously". I assume since it was me who just commented about noise and it's my comment that you've replied to, that you mean to direct your comment at me.
It sounds like you're suggesting that I don't take concerns about noise seriously. The only thing I said that I can imagine could lead you to the judgements you've made is that JiJ had been "restricted to closing at 10:30 or something crazy".
I assume that it's from this comment that you've concluded that I don't "take concerns about noise seriously" and "Ditto, planning and licensing rules". I can see the grain of something there that may raise a question in your mind and in that respect thank you for seeking clarification. However, you seem to have gone rather futher and you've jumped to some conclusions on the basis of very little. It's particularly surprising that you've done so since I'm not sure what reason I've given you over the past eight years to think that I don't take either noise complaints or planning seriously.
My primary concern in commenting was to forestall any discussion about the involvement of neighbouring businesses that wasn't based on fact. My comment about planning/licensing (I can't rememeber which was the particular issue in this case) was aimed at suggesting what I thought might be a more likley reason for the demise of JiJ.
As I hope was clear from what I wrote, I was reporting what Quto (the owner of JiJ) said. The issue you raise of equitability was at the heart of his concerns. Assuming what he said was acurate, and I'd no reason to think otherwise, the rules appear to have been applied inequitably in JiJ's case. He referred to the many other venues along the strip open till 12:30 or later. I can't remember the precise hours restrictions placed on him, but to the best of my memory, it affected night time closing and Sundays. As I said, the weekday restriction was something like 10:30 - unprecedented as far as I'm aware for restaurant/bar venues on the Lanes. He told me there was something about the planning or licensing history that meant he was reverted to an old permission which was apparently much more restrictive. I'm afraid I don't have time to dig into the history, but please feel free to do so and come back and correct me where I'm wrong.
No doubt there is planning or licensing logic underpinning the JiJ case and it's no doubt far more complicated than one can convey in a short comment. Even so, that doesn't discount the possibility of any particular outcome being unfair or unequitable for either businesses, residents or both.
I'm surprised at the way you've jumped so quickly to a rather uncharitable conclusion, but nevertheless, thank you for providing me the opportunity to clarify where I stand, lest there should be any room whatsoever for doubt on the part of others who may read this discussion.
I apologise if I seemed to be jumping to conclusions, Hugh.
The quote marks which you've now added would have made it clear that in your brief post you were simply reporting the actual words of the owner about the opening hours, and not your own opinion. Also that it was the owner who referred to "a number of representations complaining about noise".
I did say that I knew nothing about this particular business; and that my points were general ones. And on those we seem to agree.
For the sake of clarity, I haven't added any quote marks to my original comment, Alan. I just used them in my response.
I always forget how scrupulously careful one needs to be on forums. Benefit of the doubt is rarely accorded.
Hugh, I didn't say that you had added quote marks to your original comment.
I misread your original comment as giving your own opinion. You've clarified that it was not. I've apologised for getting the wrong end of the stick.
So, not quite gone ... could be resurrected as the biz is for sale again ... if you know a few people with the cash :) Would say price is negotiable. Would be great to keep the same sort of music & vibe. Could be run more efficiently though, not running out of beer, not buying wine re-supplies from the corner shop down the road & sorting out those toilets!
Bring back Jam in a Jar! Such a brill local venue. Atmosphere hard to beat. If only I had the cash...wouldn't change much either.
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