Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Our grey tabby Walter has gone missing from the Birstall Road/Brunswick Road area. He is quite distinctive as he is a big cat with no tail. Please let me know if anyone sees him.

thanks, Scott

07730 036 983

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Will keep a lookout, hope you find your lovely cat soon. Is he microchipped and neutered? If he is microchipped, remember to call the microchip company, tell them he is lost and check that they have your correct contact details.
It often helps to empty some contents of your hoover outside your home (or put out something which has his scent) as he will recognise scent even if quite far away. Flyers are useful, including roads with gardens backing on to your garden. He may have got trapped in someone's house or shed by mistake.
It's also a good idea to put details of a lost pet on www.animalsearchuk.co.uk

Thanks Justine, Yes he is chipped and neutered. I've just done the hoover trick and will now make up some flyers. I've also put his details on animalsearch so fingers crossed he turns up

Walter came back this morning - we're very relieved. Thanks to anyone who kept a lookout and especially to the lady from Station Crescent who called me about a possible sighting. Scott

That's great news!



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