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North London YMCA are reserving 25% of all Crouch End Fun Run places for adults and children who will commit to raise £30 for vulnerable young homeless people. The adult 10km event, and nine 1 mile children’s fun runs in Priory Park, N8 take place on Sunday 17th May 2015.


Many young people arrive at the YMCA hostel with nothing, fleeing abuse. The hostel provides 157 young people with a safe place to sleep at night. A specialist support team assist to reduce the risk of them becoming homeless in the future, by helping them to find college courses, employment, and move-on accommodation. Young people can also improve skills for independent living at the new Life Academy, that provides classes such as Healthy Eating on a Budget.

Shane, YMCA resident, said. “When you’re homeless you never know what danger could strike you at any point.  In winter you freeze, at any time you could be attacked and you are also struggling to feed yourself to keep your strength up.” With the help of his support worker he hopes to train as a welder. “I thought I would never get a job. Now nothing will stop me from achieving my goals.”


Fun run participants who commit to raising at least £30 in sponsorship or donations, receive a discounted entry fee of up to 48% for children, and up to 41% for adults and 25% of places are reserved for this purpose.

So get your entry in now at www.ymcahornsey.org/modules/funrun

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This looks great. How does a homeless person get into the hostel? Can they just turn up at the door or is there a referral process?

Hello there Con, and thanks for your comment.

There is a referral process yes, although I am sure if someone did just turn up, they would advised about the best options available to them. For more information, contact the hostel on 020 8340 2345

Thanks for posting this. My daughter often gets quite 'distressed' when she sees the guy outside Barkley's bank on green lanes - I am sure she'd love to join the run and raise some money.  

Hello there Steve, thanks for your comment.

Yes seeing homeless people can be distressing, no matter how old we are. If your daughter would like to help make a difference, and raise money and have fun at the same time, do go to www.ymcahornsey.org/modules/funrun for more info.

Or you can contact me directly on alison.harrow@ymcahornsey.org.uk, and I can advise you . 

Thanks and have a lovely Easter weekend




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