Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I found an abandoned dog this morning down the Wightman-Hornsey stretch of the New River this morning, while out walking my own dog. She'd been tied up and left, probably overnight. She was in a bad way, really skinny with fleas and totally starving and dehydrated. She was really sweet natured though and very friendly. 

I took her home and the dog warden collected her. They have to keep her for a few days in case the owner claims her, and then they will try and get her into either Battersea or Wood Green Animal Shelter. But if they are full then it may be that they have to look at putting her down. We would take her but we can't for lots of reasons including not enough room for two dogs in our flat! If anyone is thinking of getting a dog, please do consider taking her on. I just can't bear the thought of her being put down if she can't get into Battersea/Wood Green. 

She's about one year old, and a staffy or staffy cross. Please don't let breed put you off, she had a lovely temperament and staffys can be trained well. Is housetrained and appears to get on well with other dogs. Obviously we don't know her history so there are risks, and a dog is a massive commitment for a long long time, including vets bills and she would need to be neutered. 

But if there is anyone out there thinking maybe, please get in touch with me and I'll let the warden know. 

I've attached some pics - also if by chance anyone recognises the dog, please also get in touch. 

Edit - just to be clear, Haringey don't have rehoming service so if I've understood the process correctly it would mean me taking temporary ownership of the dog then rehoming her. Happy to be corrected if this isn't how it works. 

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I am sure I saw her this morning and I so hope that someone opens their heart and home to her.

Poor little thing! I hope someone can give her a home. You might want to put this in the Pets section rather than No Category as more animal lovers might see it.

I think the dog warden policy is that after 7 days a dog is put to sleep unless a rescue place can take her and it's likely that Battersea and Wood Green will be full. So please can someone out there give her a good home quickly.

If no-one can help - as a long shot - you could try Foal Farm. It's a rescue place outside London. www.foalfarm.org.uk Tel 01959 572386 email dogs@foalfarm.org.uk

There's also www.themayhew.org and www.alldogsmatter.co.uk which are in London.

Thanks Justine - have moved the discussion to pets, and I'll give those rescue places a call.

She is such a sweet dog I just can't let her be put down!

You are such a star Eilidh. I can't see my reply I did last night but in case you didn't get it I suggested Battersea and Wood Green. At least they are good for advice too even if they are full. I fear the dog warden way is to kill them sadly (I can't bear the term 'put to sleep').

I am away this weekend but I am happy to help in some way if I can. I don't have much money but I could provide some food, take her to Mr. Staton for example for de-fleaing etc.


You could put an ad on Gumtree, for a free dog. She is cute and still looks quite young so I am sure someone might take her.

Please do NOT under any circumstances advertise dogs or other pets 'free to a good home'. They end up as bait dogs

Don't worry I'm not advertising her and she's not going anywhere without it being through someone I trust.

Thanks for the offer of help Linda - much appreciated. The dog warden has been great and reassured me she'll try her best to get her into Battersea etc and if not then she'll let me know before they do anything. At that point I could take her - temporarily but legally she'd be mine - and then I would need to rehome her myself. They can't rehome to members of the public but I work for the council and apparently they can rehome her to me.

I'll keep you updated!

From my short conversations, in practice they try and keep them longer in the hope that a rehoming centre will take them, and they try desperately to get that to happen, but they get so full up (the council kennels and rehoming centres) that sometimes (often?) there is no other option.

They don't have rehoming facilities at the council so rely on rehoming centres taking on dogs for them. There are so many issues (not only budget and resource/space etc) around making sure a dog is rehomed to the right place that they can't take that on. We adopted our dog from Battersea and we were on a list for about 7 months before they found a dog that they felt was a good match for us - they fully assess their behaviour (generally but also suitability for children/cats/other pets) and check them out thoroughly healthwise too. But Battersea have a huge team of qualified rehomers to do all of this and check out the potential living conditions, do follow ups etc. The council just don't have that.

You could give them a call to see if they can let you know what happened to your dog, but they won't be able to rehome to you unfortunately.


The dog is lucky to have you helping her out Eilidh! Hope a good home is found as she deserves it.

Hi Eilidh,

We met that very morning when I was bringing my dog back home from a walk, the little staff was tied up when I entered around 7am or thereabouts but there was a car crash (ding) at the corner of Alison and Wightman and there were a few people out standing on the path and road talking, I thought she belonged to one of them (thinking maybe they were on their way for a walk and stopped to see if they could help leaving the dog at the fence) I didn't think too much about it so continued on.

Anyway I guess this was not the case but wanted to commend you on taking her in, I had no phone with me to call anyone but was until you took her with you on your walk. Would love to help out anyway we can but unfortunately we only have a small place and two dogs would be too much at this stage.

Would love to help in either dropping up some food, we buy in bulk and have loads of treats and dry + wet food and other bits besides, if you need a medium sized crate then that's no problem.

Let me know if I can help out in anyway, and hope she finds a home...



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