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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Family been at Milton since 1957(57 years) It used to be a lovely road to live in ,but the Council have compromisedour health with their so called savings.The fortnightly collection is unworkable

Had mice infestation for first time last year due to the amount of rubbish,we are not the only ones There is terrible stench in the street and now with the maggots from 3 over full bins we also have flies in basement and upper ground floors.
Cannot have windows open as stench is so bad.

After one week of emptying ,the 3 bins outside our property are overfull and the residents have nowhere to put their rubbish so it has stayed indoors and Therevis a backlog.

I personally have on a weekly basis taken sackloads to the dump,I am refusing to do Haringey's job anymore though.

The residentliving in the basement flat could take no more of this unnecessary filth and has left.

We have foxes excreting by the basementand front door regularly as they feed from torn bags in the pavement.
Also on the pavement are tin lids for animals to cut paws on,used condoms and rats. all you see when you walk down street is rubbish,OLD rubbish,flies,wasps and maggots

When I complained re amount of rubbish generated since fortnightly collection started I was told to get an extra bin,reported to enforcement,Veolia and haringey customer services.

Our green bin is often used as a rubbish bin so is not be very useful

There are only 5 of us at present,what happens when we are full house.

Many houses in this street have 4 people on each floor,so 16 in the house,in this and surrounding roads I highly recommend an exception to your fortnightly collection and bring back weekly or more in this highly densely populated area.

Outside our house today are 3 overfull bins,with maggots and rubbish on the floor.It is not a good way to live.

A return to weekly collection would prevent the health and safety issues resulting from the fortnightly collection.

Do we not deserve a better standard if living?

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I think other residents would not disagree with me in that yes you can see visually what we have to endure on a daily basis.

But you cannot photograph the stench which has blanketed the area.

I quote from Haringey's response to our complaint,

"The Council does want to provide a good street environment for residents"

Do you think that the Council has met this target?

The letter goes on to day, "to listen to any ideas you may have in this regard"

I do not think you really need a reply to that

The situation is intolerable, I hope Haringey council are reading these posts so they can understand the views of the residents.

Yes you are speaking for the people Mary.

It's a disgrace,not listening to the public.
We have been through all the complaints procedures.

As you can see there are some very frustrated people living in these dreadful conditions who have not been listened to by the people who can make a real difference.

We are still being ignored.

It's unbelievable isn't it in 2014 that Haringey firstly allowed this to happen and secondly what has been worse,it has been allowed to continue.
Been fly catching in the house since refuse collection.

Caught just under 100,they are still nesting in the evergreen.

The next stop for the flies is the fox poo which decorates the Milton and surround pavements

Oh Happy days at least it is not by the front door this time,but we still can't open any windows.

Good job the weather is on the cool side
Yes people from other roads use our bins,including putting rubbish in green bin so it does not encourage people who do everything correct.

We had a system that worked well in this densely populated area,but are not encouraging people to live here by walking past a 2 week old bacteria laden bin in a squashed manner
When you live in a bedsit and your bed is near where you keep the old food on 4th floor it is not easy to want to compost
Yes it's horrific living in the basement,already dark,but to have the bin nearer and not being able to open any windows.

We have a gate for security which seems to work.if the bins go inside the gate the regular rats and foxes will make a home within my boundary.

The flies will be nearer the front door so the smell will be worse

Haringey were supposed to be consulting residents on the option of storing bins on their front paths were feasible, but surprise surprise nothing came to fruition!

Who wants vermin and flies nearer their front door?

And there would still be 2 bins on the pavement plus a green one.

True, people do not want over flowing bins with the stench from the heat even closer to their properties.

Some houses are not flats so we need the space sometimes for 4 or more bilkes for people in bedsits along with any guest who does not want theirs stolen

Not happy at all with bikes on pavement outside the house,cannot get tenants without a bike space.

Nick imagine living in one room and not being able to put your rubbish in the bins after one week

The situation is clear,less bins and a weekly collection for the people



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