Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

45 minutes to get through this morning. no appointments left. then (when I'll and feeling vulnerable) having to deal with call back from battle-axe nurse/ gatekeeper - I know when I need to see a doctor. she won't listen, talks over me in dismissive contemptuous tones. she knows better. ask for suggestions where is a drop in or should I go to A&E - this is slapped down in sneery tone.

My GP there (who is nice) is on long term sick. I need to find another practice. anywhere as long as not located in Umfreville Road. I have put in a formal complaint to NHS England - they were very helpful and will call the practice to negotiate this time. but I haven't the energy to keep dealing with this c£#$p...

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Good step by step guide to making a complaint about a GP etc. http://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/action/how-to-complain-if-yo...



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