Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This is the beautiful Maddie Cat and she desperately needs a home! Maddie was found as a tiny kitten, abandoned, in Athens about 7 years ago.

She was rescued by my friend and nursed back to health. Unfortunately, my friend had to come back to UK when Greece imploded. He arranged for her to be micro chipped, health checked and( she even has a kitty passport) and brought to UK last Sept.

He could not take her to his end destination so I offered Maddie a home and she is such a dear, loving, affectionate cat…….with humans. Unfortunately she has not bonded with our other cats! It has got so bad that currently I have to keep her locked in a room when we are out! That’s not fair on any animal. I have tried everything to improve the situation but without any luck.

Can you offer Maddie a home? She is mainly an indoor cat, though she enjoys ventures into the garden with me. She doesn’t go off on her own although if given the chance she may like a garden. She would suit a family with no other cats. She was raised with two dogs and that doesn’t seem to have been a problem.

We worked so hard to bring her back here and keep her safe and it breaks my heart that we cannot find her a home.  Could you, a friend, a family member or anyone you know offer Maddie a home?

She really is such a loving a cat (as long as you are not one of my cats!) We can provide transport, scratching post, bed and a month’s supply of her favourite food. If it was needed I could even pay her pet insurance for a year.  

Please help us find Maddie a home! Many thanks for taking the time to read this. 

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Hello Rozie, I am very keen to 'adopt' Maddie. I did have a cat a long time ago so I know how to look after them. I live in a house with a small courtyard outside and my husband and I have talked about having a cat here now that we both feel happy and settled. You are welcome to inspect our place as a possible new future home for Maddie if you would like to reassure yourself. I am in N4 1DE. Please call me 07785 397137. 

Oh Geraldine, How lovely to get your message. I am currently out and about but will call you tomorrow. It would be great to come and do a quick home check if that is ok just so i know where she is going and we would also be happy if you would like to come and visit Maddie first (N8 7LA) and see if she would be a good match for you. I will call you tomorrow. Thank you so much for your message! R

Hi, if it doesn't work out with Geraldine, we'd also be interested in giving Maddie a home. But hope it ends well!
Likewise, Maddie looks like a lovely cat and we'd love to her to join our family if it doesn't work out. Good luck.
Hi Rozie, my big thumbs hit the wrong button from your connection request! Can you please resend? We're still very keen about Maddie Cat if she's still looking for a home.
Cheers, Kim

This is so heart warming. I have two cats that I am reluctantly trying to re-home. They are both female, mother and daughter in fact and I have had them both since they were kittens, ten and nine years. They have always been happy and free to go out in my large back garden that has waste ground beyond.

Recently however there are now so many foxes around that the cats are too afraid to go out and just sit gazing out of the window, it breaks my heart. I've tried chasing the foxes away but they are so brazen now.

If anyone has a home with a garden that doesn't have a problem with foxes and likes the idea of giving a home to two beautiful but unhappy  cats then please get in touch. I don't know what else I could do.

Thanks all


You have my sympathy! It must be very difficult to consider parting with your cats. If you need to, I hope you find them a good home. It may be a good idea to start a new post with photos of your cats to attract interest.

On the other hand, it may be possible to keep them. Your cats have grown up in your home for years and it seems a shame to have to change that. Usually foxes do not attack cats, in fact it's the other way round, cats frighten off the foxes. Foxes tend to be only in gardens at night time and not during the day. However, at this time of year, foxes can be more brazen and aggressive due to protecting fox cubs, but it is only temporary. The more you can secure your garden with secure fencing the better. Yes foxes will always find a way in, but if they can't sneak in easily, your cats will see them and be able to get to a safe place higher up or inside as I presume you have a cat flap.

I always recommend that cats are kept inside at night as this reduces risk of fights, getting lost etc. In your garden, it's a good idea to have a cat stand or something high which a cat can jump onto if it feels nervous. As cats get older, they tend to go outside less. I know that from my own cats - the older ones choose to stay inside the majority of the time compared to the younger ones who are outside more.

Thanks for that Justine, I really don't want to part with the cats but I feel sorry for them as they usually go out a lot at this time of the year. It's interesting that you say the foxes are only aggressive when they have cubs, thats encouraging and maybe I'll hang in there. My cats always used to chase the foxes and didn't seem to be threatened by them at all. But on Easter Monday a fox chased one of the cats out of the garden and I was really worried that it had caught her as I didn't see her for a few hours and since then neither of them have been out. I'll give it a few more weeks and see how it goes.

Thanks again


Good News! Maddie Cat moved in with her new mummy yesterday! She is now the only cat and getting heaps of attention and will be spoilt rotten, just as she deserved! And to top it off her new home is just around the corner and they said i can pop in to see her from time to time for a cuddle. A very happy ending for a very special cat!

I am very happy for both you and Maddie and thanks for letting me know.



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