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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A 'Street Briefing' will be held by Chief Inspector Michael Loebenberg on Wednesday 9th April at 1900 about Ducketts Common where you will be able to receive further updates on what is happening in this area.

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Did you miss the whole of my argument or just most of it ?
I'm not bothered about green lanes pavements to be honest, they will forever be a good reminder that instead of lovely pavements we spent the money on making one park slightly drug free for a month or so and missed the opportunity of providing a safe taxed and properly regulated medicine market for addicts which could have made massive in roads funding enormous new infrastructure schemes which could have made significant inroads towards full employment in the borough and a leave a lasting legacy forever as well as undermining the main business of dealers everywhere.

Oh and we might have saved some lives doing it.

Bringing the nursery into it is appalling. Those kids are not allowed out the front of that house.

Bull shit. They play football in the basket ball courts every week.

Still missing the point though regardless of who plays where. If you want your solution, look to the USA. Prohibition with more draconian sentencing laws and more and more prison sentences just enslaves people out of the real economy and thats the problem. People are simply developing an economy for where there is not one for themselves.

You need to remove the black market economy whenever possible with a safe state regulated one and push hard to encourage everyone to have a chance to succeed in the real economy.

Problem is some people are giving up. Houses too expensive. Many jobs don't pay any wages at all. Youth unemployment at all time high and a massive black market economy.

How quickly do you think that hydra on turnpike lane is going to grow back all it's heads ? You're not killing the beast. It never works. It never did.

All the while, the other Anglo Saxon legitimated hydra's like the bookies and the alcohol industry are encouraged to take prime real estate and allowed to advertise in front of children.

Is just just psychopathic law making by idiots.

Oh I beg your pardon. My mistake.

Legalising drugs and the stupidity of some vices being legal and others not is a completely different argument.  For now it is illegal to deal drugs.  No pun intended but most people dont stop weeding their garden just because the weeds grow back.  You get drug dealing everywhere especially after the secondary schools close - Priory Park, Ducketts Common and outside the bookies to name a few.  Anyone with a sense of smell will know that and a lot of people want the police to do whatever they can to keep it down. 

With respect to the paving stones I guess people will spit and drop chewing gum and litter whatever the stones look like as long as they have so little engagement with their community. 

Someone suggested earlier that the police meeting was a waste of time, but look what happens with an online forum.  People become way more aggressive than they do face to face.

If the police are worried about aggression from this exceptionally well forum, god help us all.

Listen I don't want open dealing on duckets common or anywhere else but we don't have dealers all over the place because we have a lazy inefficient police force, we have it because we have decided to make something that has an enormous demand, exist in the black market and we don't have the resources to police that black market as well as we would like.

With a huge police presence and stringent drugs laws we can manage this situation so the black market trades more quietly. It will cost a heck of a lot of money. We will need to move resources from schools, housing, research, social work, military etc to police every park of the UK like duckets common got policed last week and it still won't remove the market, this is just policing the drugs black market to ensures it operate with more decorum, nothing more.

If you want to go down that road, fine. It's very costly though. I would prefer us to think around this problem another way. All I've ever seen on duckets common is the same stuff happening ever since I was a kid and possibly getting worse. The drugs remain the forbidden fruit, the teenagers yearn for it, the middle classes use it, the underclass provides it, the police crack some heads when they have the resources and the duckets common story continues.

I personally would prefer real change.

I took my son to the playground here today, mid afternoon. There were a couple of children there and about 15-20  teenagers, in three different groups in different parts of the playground. They were just hanging out - but it was a bit uncomfortable and we didn't stay long.

I don't visit it often enough to know if this is a particular problem, interested in other people's experiences.



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