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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

For the past two weeks there have been around four street lights out of action in my road. This has been reported multiple times but they have still not been fixed and no correspondence from Haringey Council.

Does anyone know the next step for this? eg contacted the ward councillor or local MP?



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It's very worrying. Kerry-Ann. But can I please check a couple of things.

First are the lights on public or private land? As you probably know, some roads or parts of roads are "unadopted". They are privately owned and not public highway. Information on the Council's website here. Unfortunately maintenance - including the lights - is the responsibility of the owner.

Second, did the reports give enough information to leave no doubt which streetlights are the problem? Every streetlight should have a unique ID tag on the column which tells Council staff the road and exact location. Like this one - RY 5 F - in Rycroft Way N17.

Dayburner- ID Tag

If you don't want to walk around in the dark trying to read the tag, give the nearest house number.

Reporting lights out

The Council aims to repair streetlights within seven working days. But sometimes there's considerable delay - e.g. when a cable needs renewing by the electricity company. If the four lights out are along one stretch of your street, this could well be the problem. But it doesn't excuse the Council lighting team not telling you.

People can use the "24 hour Light Line" to leave a recorded message - 020 8489 1335 after 5pm and before 9am - also at weekends. If you see no action I suggest following up with another report using the Council's website. Give your email, and this should automatically generate a reply which records your complaint.

If none of that works you could contact your ward councillors.

Or consider using the free website FixMyStreet.  This is basically a "front end" which will automatically forward your report to Haringey. The council would prefer residents to use its own website. But FixMyStreet has a big advantage: you can post photos and also click the location of a problem on its publicly available maps. So potentially at least, your neighbours can see that a fault was reported. And the map can show a cluster of problems or recurrent faults.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Thanks for the reply.

There are street lights. I gave the locations (eg what number house it is outside). I reported it online so have my email confirmation. I will report it one more time and mention that I will report it to my local ward councillor.

It is always the same issue when reported street lights out of action. Anybody would think the council didn't think this is an urban area with street crime problems!

Thanks, Kerry-Ann, for giving this extra information.

For HoL members who haven't had this problem, there's another useful page on the Council's website. This has a paragraph headed: What you can expect. It says that:

"Wherever possible, all street lights that are not working will be repaired within seven working days of being reported. Please call us if you are concerned about the length of time a light is not working"

The number given - to call between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday - is 020 8489 1335 for the "Frontline Services Business Support Team".

As your report clearly falls within the seven working day timeframe, Kerry-Ann, I suggest you phone on Tuesday after the Bank Holiday, giving them the reference numbers for your previous emails. I advise confirming your call  with an email to frontline@haringey.gov.uk briefly setting out this information and asking them to let you know the position without any more waiting. Have they inspected? What's the problem?  Why is there a delay?

If there is a serious fault needing more than 7 working days to repair, they should at least have told you this, when you re-reported the out-of-order lights. (Assuming of course that the Lighting Team made such information accessible to the staff in the Call Centre.)

I'd also suggest you copy in Cllr John Bevan ( john.bevan@haringey.gov.uk ) who Claire Kober has appointed as interim Cabinet member for the Environment. And if you think the lack of these  lights poses a particular danger in your street, give John a ring.  Mobile:  07967 336448.

And please post on this thread to give HoL members an update on progress.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

P.S. The nearest house numbers should be enough. But for 100% certainty, the next time you walk past in daylight you may want to jot down the 4 unique column ID numbers and add them to the information you give Council staff.

Thank you. Tomorrow (if It has stopped raining!) I will note the numbers on the lamp posts.

Kerry-Ann, I'm very happy to take this up for you. If you would like to email me the details (as Cllr Stanton helpfully set out) I can chase the council. My email is karen.alexander.haringeylibdems@gmail.com

Thank you. I have reported it online again with the numbers of the lights. As there are three out of action in a row the street is very dark and it has had a history of street crime.

I can happily report that the lights have been fixed!!


But did they explain the reasons for the delay? That would have really been "customer care".

I have had no response from them!



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