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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

So, the Petition's been handed in, but the price was this conversation

A converstaion between Hugh and Karen Galey, Head of Economic Regeneration:

KG: So what's this petition about?

H: It's about the bit in the plan that talks about the possibility of closing Wood Green High Street to everything but buses.

KG: NO! That's not in the plan.

H: I think you'll find it is.

KG: NO. It's not.

H: But I read it in there.

KG: No, it's not there.

H: But I've had an excerpt from page 73 on my website for the past week........

KG: It's an option for consideration.

H: Oh. Okay so it's in there as an option.

KG: No, it's not.

H: Okay. Is the possibility of closing Wood Green High Street to everything but buses is in the Wood Green SPD as an option for consideration?

KG: Yes.

I'm sure you all know how I felt.

Doesn't make you optimistic does it.

Tags for Forum Posts: Wightman Road, consultation, traffic, wood green spd

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Some words for Ms Galey from Haringey's Consultation Charter [my bold and italics]:

Haringey Council is committed to making sure all its consultations are effective and efficient. This charter has been drawn up so that you know what you can expect from consultations.

Consultation is a fundamental part of the planning and provision of services. We will value the time and energy that people put into responding to consultations and will make it simple for people to tell us what they think.

Whenever possible we will co-ordinate our consultation programme with other organisations that consult people living and working in Haringey.

Understanding what we already know is better than asking again – we will monitor our consultations and avoid duplication and repetition.

We will communicate clearly about the purpose of the consultation, who is being consulted, the way we are consulting and when decision will be taken on proposals.

We will actively seek to engage communities affected by the proposal(s) and explain how the proposed changes might affect different people.

We will provide enough information about consultation to help people make an informed contribution.

We will include information about other issues and facts being considered by decision-makers alongside the consultation results.

We will use Plain English and translate documents into other languages, transcribe into other formats (e.g. Braille) and provide interpreters at meetings when they are needed. Our methods of consultation will be robust and appropriate.

We will follow good practice and legal requirements that relate to equality and social inclusion.

At the end of the consultation we will communicate what will happen next, when the results of the consultation will be published, when and by whom the decision(s) on the proposal(s) will be taken, when the decision(s) will be published.
Great, Paul. This was exactly the brief Lorna Reith and Jeannette Gegde were singing from (in fact I think they are the authors) at the last Area Assembly. It's definitely the thing to push in any dealings with councillors or officers.



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