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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!



Last year we had Harringay’s first ever open gardens event – this post is to see if there is interest in doing it again.

The aim was for something that would appeal to a range of people, and that seemed to work very well. For some it might be that they are really keen gardeners and have a lovely garden that they want to show people and are happy to talk about. For others it will simply be about finding out what can be done with a similar space/soil/aspect to their own garden and/or showing their garden to other gardeners to get some ideas. So please don't feel that you can't join in just because you aren't an experienced gardener.

If you’re interested in reading more about last year’s event, have a look at this post/pictures here.

The way it worked was:

  • Anyone interested in opening their garden let me know what dates would work for them – I think this year we’d be looking at May/early June.
  • I compiled a list of participating gardens and gave each one an approx time slot (otherwise I can't see a way of people being able both to host a visit and have a look at a few other gardens!).
  • Everyone wrote a brief description of their garden which I then posted online (not with your address) in case people didn’t want to spend the whole day visiting gardens (as if…)
  • Anyone who wanted to visit the gardens then signed up with me and I contacted everyone by email to let them know where they were etc.  

I’m imagining a similar plan this year – I’ll try and tweak the time slots aspect as it did get a bit crowded if everyone turned up all at the same time. And if there is loads of interest we might even have to do it over a weekend...

Not all the gardens were in Harringay and that would be fine again this year (assuming they are local to Harringay) - but those that weren't tended to get slightly fewer visitors because of the extra distance.

Over you to you – let me know if you’re keen, either to visit or to open your garden, and which weekends in May/June would suit you best!

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Thanks everyone who has done the poll so far - there is no date we can all make! I will leave it open a few more days and then see how it's looking.
Oh no! Is there a date that only the people opening their gardens can make. We must be able to work something out.
As far as i can see July 21 everyone wanting to open gardens can do but Jessica cant, nor can Peet (not sure if Peet wants to visit or open). It does seem a bit late to me though.

apart from that the best dates so far are June 30 or July 7 but Matt can't make them, or 13 July but isn't ideal for me and Dick can't make. I don't mind doing the 13 (is my birthday next day so want to keep 14 free!).

Dick or Matt, any flexibility on those dates for either of you (with apologies for singling you out!).

Oh gosh - a dilemma, but yes 21st July does seem rather late to be showing a garden - roses might be over etc etc.  Finally with a bit of warmth my plants are coming on apace.

Hi Alison, 

Really sorry but we have a couple of events them weekends (family coming to stay etc) that can't be moved for love or money. Please do whatever is best for the group though.



Sorry Alison,  I can't consider opening that weekend (the 13th-14th July).

Hiya Allison,

My god have you got a spread sheet to log all this info?!

I am happy to open my garden again but will wait for a general date to be set and if you still need folk to take part. As someone said, maybe the priority should be for gardens that we didn't get a chance to see last year?

It was one of my favourite days of the year last year - lovely to meet more plant loving people in the local community!

Thanks for organising again!



Thanks everyone who has posted dates. On the basis of that, I'm suggesting Sunday July 7th. Matt, I know this means you can't open your own (please could I have a sneaky peak on another occasion) but I think everyone else could do this, and you'd be able to get round a few yourself?

It would be great to add some other gardens to the list, so do please let me know if you are interested. And get the 7th July in your diaries! I will set up an event nearer the time.

OK 7th July in diary!  thanks for organising, Alison.  It also gives me incentive to tidy up the garden.  I don't know about you but I had quite a few losses in the garden this year.  On the upside, soon there is the inspiration that is Chelsea!

Hiya Allison,

If you want to add mine to the list I will be around on the 7th July too.



No worries - we can do ours next year - will send round a photo when done anyway : ) 

Am looking forward to it.

Well done and Thanks Alison for sorting this.  Its a shame about Matt not being able to show his.  The 7th july has now given me a well needed deadline to get my gardening act together.

Looking forward to it   



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