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Police Stations Threatened as Public Invited to Consultation Meeting on Policing

Hornsey Police Station faces 9 to 5 future Photo: Edited from PIcture by David Rowland on Geograph


Boris Johnson announced yesterday that police stations across the capital would close as part of his draft police and crime plan for London.

In Haringey Borough this will see Muswell Hill police station closing and stations in Hornsey and Tottenham will have their opening hours cut from 24-hours to daytime hours.

The station in High Road, Wood Green, will be Haringey’s only police station open 24 hours a day.

In response to the plans, London assembly member for Haringey Joanne McCartney said: "In Haringey we will lose 58 police officers compared to what we had in 2010, and that's if the Mayor can actually deliver on his proposals which I don't think he can. This is in addition to the current loss of 50 PCSOs since 2010, and means there will be less police on our streets."

The Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan sets out the crime reduction strategy for London for the next four years and explains what the Metropolitan Police Service and other agencies should be doing to tackle crime in the capital.

Between  7th January 2013 – 4th March 2013, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) will be consulting with anyone who lives, travels or works in London. 

The key aims are to produce a plan that will:

  • Improve crime prevention in neighbourhoods;
  • Hold the police to account for cutting crime and boosting public confidence, whilst giving Londoners better value for money;
  • Ensure other agencies work better to deliver effective justice, better service for victims and improved resettlement to cut re-offending.

On 20th February, the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Stephen Greenhalgh, and senior Metropolitan Police officers will be in haringey to answer questions and discuss the issues.

The meeting will be at 8pm, Council Chamber, Haringey Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. You can pre-register your attendance at www.london.gov.uk.

From 7th January 2013 you can also take part in the consultation by viewing the draft plan online and completing a questionnaire at www.london.gov.uk or by emailing policeandcrimeplan@mopac.london.gov.uk and asking for a copy of the questionnaire.


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No body consulted me or anyone I know in the area, unless that phone call from the community support was it or the little walk about with a few interested parties, you think that people cannot see through the hypocracracy, this only causes resentment.

No consultation with the citizens and residents of the area was done. This is just another example of planning corruption from the self-servatives that are only concerned with keeping themselves and their mates in riches, selling off public resources at cut price, believe me once in the hands of the private there will be no way of reclaiming, typical, just the same age old tactic of taking the commons and making it private and then locking out the citizens & residents that paid for he resource in the first place.

That particular building is stunning and would make a perfect place for a community resource point for the area but residents are stressed and its difficult to keep up with the planning tricks and corruption, if you are doing a consultation, then do it properly don't just skirt over it and hope nobody notices the sell off of public resources.

The met police own no property, the people own it, please remember we pay these people to serve the people not self-serve themselves, jeez! not only do I have to work, pay taxes but now I have to campaign for the sake of the residents that can not, due to being over stressed trying to earn enough to pay the rents & rates, a lot of people don't have time to research what the elites are up to of course this is what they are relying on, espeicially in Harringay.

Between  7th January 2013 – 4th March 2013, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) will be consulting with anyone who lives, travels or works in London.

Rushed through so no-one gets time to object, I've only just found out about this.


Rather belatedly, the results are attached.




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