Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A benefits fraudster who illegally claimed more than £100,000 has been jailed after an investigation by Haringey Council. 

Dolonescu Dumitru, 33, spent more than five years fraudulently claiming housing benefit and income support from his home in Harringay Road despite previously being deported in 2006 by border officials.

The Romanian came back to the UK and claimed benefits until June last year using an out-of-date certificate from the Home Office giving him indefinite leave to remain in the country.

But Dumitru’s fraud was uncovered after officers from Haringey Council and the Department for Work and Pensions investigated his claims and found he had failed to declare his deportation.

In total, the fraudster had falsely claimed more than £56,000 in housing benefit and more than £33,000 in income support between January 2007 and June 2012.

At Wood Green Crown Court on Friday, Dumitru was sentenced to 12 months in prison after being convicted of two counts of fraud and was ordered to repay the money. 

Councillor Joe Goldberg, cabinet member for finance, said: “When struggling families see fraudsters sent to prison like this they rightly want to see action to get the money back.

“It is vital that benefits are there for those who need them and we are determined to stop those who abuse the system.

“Where we have reason to believe that someone is falsely claiming benefits, we will investigate them and will always press for the strongest penalties.” 

Residents can report suspicions of fraud or corruption, including benefit fraud, anonymously to Fraudwatch on freephone 0500 500 777 or by email to fraudcall@haringey.gov.uk


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You'd think with the massive amounts of computer power now available, that putting threads together from different govt departments would happen before the claims go through, not five years later.

You would, wouldn't you? Though cutting both Haringey and DWP staff isn't exactly going to help.

Joe for council leader?

Yeah, most amusing.

Joe Goldberg is far from dim. I would have thought he'd realise that a successful prosecution but only after five years of fraud, would raise eyebrows and umpteen questions.

Time, I think, for me to send a formal "Member Enquiry". Anyone want to add some queries to the ones already raised in this thread? Please post them here or you can email me: alan.stanton@virgin.net 



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