Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I have just seen a very beautiful looking cat looking in through our living room window from our back garden. Having read previous posts about exotic cats I am not sure what breed this one is or whether it is allowed out? I have a very small and timid female tabby and a baby under 1 so I am quite keen to hear from anyone who might know more about this pet. We live on Hewitt.

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ive only seen him here once or twice so he might be the same one straying a bit from his usual territory.

that sounds awful jessica! sorry to hear that and that nothing can be done to protect our cats from the bengal. I have just resorted to keeping mine in a lot. shame.

Sorry to hear Jessica that you had to suffer verbal abuse. There's no doubt you won't get him to pay your vet bills and it would not be worth it in costs to pursue legally. Clearly you don't want your cat to carrying on getting injured. Do you know if his cat is neutered as neutering does reduce aggressive behaviour and reduces roaming? If he isn't neutered and the owner won't get him neutered, I suggest you offer to pay to get him neutered. I know you'll think I'm crazy as it involves spending more money, but it may be a practical solution. Keep your cat in at night, but I expect you do anyway. Spray the cat with water when he turns up. Most cats have a routine, so there may be a pattern in the time of day he shows up. I sympathise, I've paid out a lot in vet bills when my cats have been attacked plus it's not nice to see them injured. Best wishes Justine

This sounds awful for all concerned, honestly don't know what I'd do in your situation. I feel pretty strongly that cats should be allowed to go outside when they want to, but unfortunately in your case that applies to the Bengal as well. I don't know how often you are in during the day, but it might be worth doing as others have suggested and spraying it with water if it comes near - if there's any way to make it feel this area is not its territory then the behaviour may eventually subside.

I know what I'd do given that the other option is thousands of pounds at the vet, although just googling around a bit it appears the law is on your side, you just have to wait for your cat to get injured sufficiently for it to be worthwhile suing them. Nice.

but how would one prove that the Bengal cat caused the injuries in order to be able to sue?! would you have to wait for a cat fight and film it as evidence?!

Hi Jessica, so sorry to hear what is happening to your cat its horrible when they get so scared.  Is this the cat that is aggressive?  I see this one regularly in the passage between Beresford and Alison?

Aha well that is a different Bengal to the one that frequents my garden and beats up my cats! Further evidence to my theory that some Bengals (not all!) tend to be rather territorial and if not a little aggressive.

I've always loved the look of him but will now just see him his as an aggressive bully.

Does he come into your garden the same way each time? If yes, you can try and disrupt his usual path as it might make him go elsewhere. I noticed this happened when I put a plant in front of the usual path of my next door neighbours cat and very rarely see her now.



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