Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I have 6 reference books for Flash, J2ME and Excel to give away.

Essential ActionScript 2.0: Colin Moock (2004)
ActionScript for Flash MX: Colin Moock (2003)
Flash MX Upgrade Essentials: Sham Bhangal (2002)
Flash 5 Bible: Roberrt Reinhardt and John Warren Lentz (2001)
Beginning J2ME: Sing Li and Jonathan Knudsen (2005)
Excel 2002 For Dummies

These are older books and not for the current versions of the software. I'm not sure how much has changed because I'm no longer working with Flash or Java but in their time, they were good books and the Colin Moock books are still highly regarded.

Collection as a job lot from N22 Turnpike Lane.

I'll leave this up for a week or so - they'll be going into the recycling if nobody wants them.

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I've got a box full of similarly out of date tech books. I have resigned myself to just recycling them as nobody seems to want them. I've resolved to buy an iPad mini or a Nexus 7 and get a subscription to Safari Online. This will be my only foray into e-books though. It will have the following benefits:

1. I will not have embarrassing books in my bookcase.

2. I will not struggle to hold the page open as I read from it and type at the same time.

3. I will not find that I have to buy the next version of the book just to stay up to date.

I do consider a nice bookcase full of nice books to be art but "C++ in a Nutshell" just doesn't count.

I have found that   the works of Homer, Plato, Lucretius, Shakespeare and even a nice Folio Soc edition of Heaney's Beowulf are much less obsolescent and even more attractive to charity shops. And what was that they used tell us about bookless schools and paperless offices?



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