Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Dear readers

It has come to my attention on this fine day that we have among us some citizens of revolutionary zeal. They have taken it upon themselves to attempt a renaming of the passage! Upon a piece of paper found in the passage are the words MUTT DUNG* and in very small words an explanation .... *Renamed due to Haringey Council's reluctance to prosecute any irresponsible dog owners.

Fellow readers; are there revolutionaries among us?! What do the rest of us think of this bold attack on council services?

This follows the mysterious circling of the poo throughout the passage 2 months ago. The council and the SNT have taken note, labelling it 'graffiti. The battle lines appear to have been drawn.

What will the battle of the poo throw up next .... :)

[nb. could this thread be of any relevance?]

Maybe next we will see Batdog patrols with dogs policing dogs;

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I noticed that last night when I was out running (!!!), and nearly fell over laughing - absolutely brilliant, whoever is doing this is my hero! I think the other one was "Dog Mound Passage" - the signs were stuck on top of the word Harringay. Shame I didn't have a camera at the time.
It was well done too, same font and size as the sign as far as I could tell.
It is funny isn't it. Good to see someone is taking a different approach to the passage's rear end problem. :)
Every city I have visited in Europe has a dog shit problem. I think they need to just randomly inspect people with dogs to see if they have a plastic bag. No plastic bag - fine. I used to have to walk my boss's Jack Russell at lunch time (chichi - hilarious to our Spanish speaking cleaners) sometimes and once you had the bag with you it was no big deal, if you forgot the bag... cellphone back to the office to ask for some junior to come out with a bag. I think we should encourage the council to prosecute the person with the yellow chalk, look at the coverage that idiot is getting for overfilling his wheelie bin!
Try Brussels for high odds on stepping in 'dog shit'! [Maybe the smell comes from EU HQ for deciding not to publish their corruption report into members expenses] :)

Good idea to fine people found not to have poo bags with them whilst walking their precious poodle or nashing pitbull.
Only problem is that people could always say that their precious had just been and they'd deposited it in the bin... mind you... maybe you should have one with you all the way home so carry two...
Oh those in the know buy them in little rolls that clip on to the lead (or some such place). There really is no excuse. Don't remember having to bother with this in NZ though. All this bag-ya-doggie's-poo has put me off getting a dog for the kidz. Most unfortunate. Surely some inventive whiz could design a strap-on toilet. :)
Our dog just went in the garden. If he went on the lawn it was flicked off into the garden with a spade.
How funny, must admit I hadn't noticed. I wonder who it is - good on them - not like any of the things we have suggested have had much impact so maybe embarrassing the Council might do the trick! It's not me, honest!

I've been in touch with the powers that be on various occasions about this and all I've got back is "take a photo" and let us know. Mind you, I wonder how pleased they would be if we all emailed every time we spotted a dog poo.

Impressed to hear about the running Anette!
I remember now, it was Hound Mound Passage and Dog Dung Passage.
I'll start running with a camera from now on..
And Mutt Dung; I have the original, as I found it on the passage floor.

As to who has done this daring deed; there are some prolific commentators on this site conspicuous by their abscence from this thread. :)
ohhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Who do you reckon? Hugh's absence is noted....
Oh I wouldn't like to say! There are a few others as well. ;)



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