Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I noticed a week or so ago that the Toyota dealership on Seven Sisters Road had finally upped sticks - there had been talk of this locally since I moved in, but wasn't aware it was imminent.

Anyway, does anyone know if there are any immediate plans for the site? I've heard rumours of a supermarket, which would be awful for the convenience stores that do good business around here but on the other hand I would hate for it to become yet another vacant building - it's one thing this area really doesn't need. Anyone heard anything?

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They have moved up to Enfield on A10

Was a Real joke trying to operate on that site -


Who owns site ?


My Moneys on a Car Wash .........



Were you involved then?

Not sure who owns it, tbh.

I was wondering the exact same thing. It's  huge site and whatever happens there will make a huge impact on the area. 

Probably one to take to VCRA I think, Jade!

Update: Looks like Volvo have now moved in - wasn't vacant too long in the end then!

I spotted the Volvo service centre too. And that the Woodberry Tavern is up for sale...


Yeah, I saw the sign on the Woodbury but wondered if it was for the flat about the pub rather than the pub itself - do you know which it is? Have you seen the ad? Would be intrigued to know what will become of it if it is the pub. My boyfriend and I were having a bit of a joke about snapping it up with some friends...

I must confess I've never been in there despite it being my 'local' - and, indeed, the enthusiastic appeals from the gentlemen who frequent the beer garden!

Just posted the link. Would love to buy it! Jade and I went in there a while back as we felt the same as you... it's actually decent. And big! And seems to attract a few Tottenham hipsters. It would be ripe for some decent food, but you'd still want to keep it a bit old-manny so as not to piss off the locals who are the best customers ; ) AND let's not go too Stokey all at once! 

Yeah, it does seem like a happy vibe in there - have read some decent reviews as well but have always been a wuss about going in because of attitudes of some of the outdoor clientele ,I think. Also the Finsbury is so near (and really good at the moment, amazing DJ and BBQ in the sun this weekend!) that we generally just defect to there.

Do let me know if you fancy a locals trip though, would love to check it out.

Maybe we should start a HoL SoTo meetup @The Woodberry : )

Great minds! Let's...

I'm all for keeping it as a pub, but as so many have closed in Tottenham over the years, the best bet is that the current building be demolished and turned into another social housing estate.



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