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I am currently preparing my appeal to Haringey Council about the primary school place they allocated to us for my son to start school in September.  Can anybody give me any background info or inspiration on how best to proceed.  Feeling very down and deflated about at the moment......

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You should definitely appeal Antoinette - I'm not sure what the process requires, but you should have a good case in terms of his social needs, also the complexity of the journey to school in relation to your job.You might be offered a place anyway because a child moves (or is moved by Haringey council) before the start of term - you must by virtue of geography be near the top of the waiting-list. Nil desperandum, & come round for a cup of coffee soon!

Thanks, Maddy, I will!  I'm dying to know what's going on in the house next door to you!

You could try ACEfor some advice

Beware that there are lots paid-for consultants out there who will take you case for a handsome fee. 

Your strongest case is that either a) the admissions policy of the schools does not meet national guidelines or b) the admissions policy did meet national guidelines but was not administered properly (ie they made a mistake calculating distance or used the wrong address  for your housefor example)

Read this:


I haven't been through the appeal process myself, but know a few who have and would say that unless you have concrete medical/educational (SEN type) reasons, it's not likely you're appeal will be upheld.

However, what I would say, is definitely get on the waiting list for your chosen school, especially if you are quite close to it as people move away over summer and don't tell the council/schools.

Also, having been through this angst a few years ago, I had to accept a school I hadn't even put on my list, and as my daughter went in to year 1, she got offered a place at our first choice school and we moved her (meaning a guaranteed place for her brother a few years later).

I know it feels awful at the moment as we all just want the very best school for our little ones - and I'm glad we moved our daughter, however now I am going through the pain of secondary school transfer/admissions I'm discovering that a) maybe I got to hung up about the primary stage when you consider what they learn and b) it is 10 x worse at secondary school stage

Thank you for the kind words and the "reality check".  I do keep reminding myself that in Scandanavian countries they don't even start kids in school until they're six and they do OK. Hope your secondary school thing goes well.

Thanks. Unfortunately we are having to move to be in catchment. And we could have played a special needs card had I had my daughter 'labelled' a few years ago...

I think with the move we'll be ok. I'm still glad we moved her when we got the chance though, so don't give up on waiting lists. You'll also find, as well as moving away and not using accepted places, that many people above you on lists will not want the place when it comes up anyway.

I hope you get a school you are happy with, keep us posted...

Good luck.

The worst part of the story is that when we moved to our house we did so because it was in S Harringay's catchment area....or at least it was then.  It was even on the estate agent's blurb if I remember rightly.  The best laid plans of mice and mothers!

As Cara says, the only people I know who have won appeals have a special needs reason.

If your son does have special needs I would say talk to your preferred school, ask to speak to their SENCO. They can't help specifically with your appeal but they can give you information about the support your child would get in their school which might help your appeal - especially if this sort of provision isn't available in the school the council have allocated you.

I don't know which is your preferred school but my son, who has special needs, goes to Chestnuts and they are brilliant with him. I also have a daughter in reception and I know one child in her class had been allocated a place elsewhere but they won their appeal for special needs reasons.

Definitely stay on the waiting lists, your child doesn't legally have to start school until the term after their 5th Birthday. So even children with birthdays before Christmas don't have to start school until January - although schools much prefer them all to start in September and I suppose they all settle in together.

Good luck with the appeal, after just going through the long, long, long process of getting a statement for my son I know how frustrating and time consuming it is to raise an appeal with the council. 

I am sorry to here the problems you are having with a primary place for your child. I had to appeal for a secondary school place for one of my children so I do understand the stress and frustration it causes.

I would suggest that you call Haringey Council's admission service and ask to speak to Jennifer Duxford who is the head of service. She is very knowledgeable and helpful and will guide you through the process. The number is 020 8489 1000 (then ask for her).

There is a lot of movement at this time so things may fall into place but I know at this point in time that doesn't really help.

Please don't hesitate to contact me directly on karen.alexander.haringeylibdems@gmail.com if I can help any further though admissions are a process that members can have little effect on other than give you advice. I am certainly happy to do that if you wanted to drop me a line with more details about your circumstances and current offer

No special needs in our case.  He'd have got straight in with a SEN as they take first preference.  I just feel terribly let down by a system that leaves us with no real choice at all.  We just have take to take what we're given and hope it all works out eventually.  I feel a chocolate binge coming on even as a type!!!!

Very few appeals are upheld. Unless someone is offered a place further away than you are that you know of, you'd be highly unlikely to get a place on appeal. We also didn't get a choice but the waiting list came through. I would definitely not give up hope as so much changes over the summer.

Thanks for that.  We are slowly creeping up the waiting list.  We are now higher up the waiting list for our 2nd place school, Weston Park; originally in 42nd, we are now 4th because the bulge class there.  For S Harringay, we are now 10th.  That strikes me as a lot of to-ing and fro-ing that still needs to go on before we get a place closer to home......Now where did I put that Twix?



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