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"Emergency" road resurfacing works on Seymour Road, Haringey Council messes up yet again.

I came home thie evening to find a note on my car saying it needs to be moved by 8 am tomorrow morning due to roadworks. There was also a note though our letterbox this evening about “emergency resurfacing works” on Seymour Road. My neighbour told me the notices went up at around 1 pm today. Surely that’s not enough notice for these things?

The letter was also a tad strange. Header was “Emergency road resurfacing Seymour Road”. Further down it tells us that these emergency works are planned to start on March 30th. What’s wrong with this sentence? Planned emergecy works? I thougt that emercencies by their very nature were impossible to plan? This smacks of council incompenetce to me. Someone forgot to send out the noitces, and they disguise it as an “emergency”, giving residents not only a massive headache in terms of parking, but also potential parking tickets. Illegal ones, that will cost time and money to get overturned. What would have happened to my car if i had decided to go away for a few days from tonight? I dread to think.

The works are “planned” from March 30th to April 2nd. This means they’ll start tomorrow, faff around with tea breaks at 9, 11, 1 and 3 and sod off at 3:15. Not to return until Monday morning, leaving us massively incovenienced and struggelig to park. We pay loads of money for our parking permits, and I think we deserve a little more notice. And not not have the road blocked over the week-end because the contractors can’t possibly be expected to finish over the week-end, bless them.

I fail to see what the big emergency is. Seymour Road is no worse or better than any of the other Ladder roads. So what’s the emergency?

I hope one of our local councillors see this and can shed some light. I am sure there will be a few complaints tomorrow when the parking jobsworths have been out earning their commissionsI hope one of our local councillors see this and can shed some light. I am sure there will be a few complaints tomorrow when the parking jobsworths have been out earning their commissions



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Perfectly fair set of comments, Annette. Almost. And with questions that should get prompt answers. 

I'm sure some Harringay ward councillors will have seen it. Although perhaps emailing them as well as posting on HoL would have made doubly sure.

My "almost" is because you say "the parking jobsworths [will] have been out earning their commissions." I assume you missed it, but on 28 January 2012 Cllr Nilgun Canver posted a clear and unequivocal statement on this. It included the following:

"Haringey Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are directly employed by Haringey Council.  Some agency staff are employed but these are paid a standard hourly rate with no form of bonus whatsoever paid for the number of Penalty Notices they issue. Haringey Civil Enforcement Officers do not have any form of issuance targets to meet when carrying out their duties." Read the full post here.

Couldn't agree more Anette. Just to add to your comments: cars are still parked in the area due for resurfacing (10.05) presumably because insufficient notice meant that the owners simply don't know about the resurfacing; no rubbish collection this morning of course because the end of Seymour Road is blocked off. A fine example of how to cause as much inconvenience as possible!

I live in the area this applies to but luckily was working at home yesterday and was able to move my car out the way.

I'm equally perplexed as to a) what is wrong with the road in the first place; b) why work has to start on a Friday (assuming no work will happen over the weekend - if it does then fair enough); c) why more notice couldn't be given - less than 24 hours is just not enough time; and d) whether there has been any thought regarding rubbish collection and recycling, which now I'm guessing won't happen until a week tomorrow (next Friday being a public holiday and all). I've just emailed local councillors asking what they know. 

I expect they've already raised this, Alison. But, just in case, I did - earlier this morning - asking the director to look at this thread.

Thanks Alan. I 've called the Highways department at the council, the person responsible is not in (surprise!!), but is apparently going to "try" to call me back today. They're unable to tell me what the emergency is. Apparently Veolia are meant to re-schedule colections when they are stopped from doing them. I'll believe that when I see it too... This whole thing just makes me sooooo angry! Why start this ona  Friday, and leave us really inconvenienced all week-end? Josbworths.

And I still think there's a commission system going on with parking, no reassuarnces from councillors is going to change that. Sorry.

I've just had a reply from Lyn Garner the Director who has asked a senior officer to look into this.


Anette, I can understand people's scepticism about the Council. But in this case your belief would have required senior officers telling an outright lie to Cllr Nilgun Canver the "cabinet" councillor and putting her in the invidious position of repeating that lie, unequivocally, on the public record. From my own dealings with the officers concerned and knowing Nilgun over many years, that is simply not believable.

@ Alan, This is getting off topic, but to clarify, I am not convinced  N. Canver is told the whole truth, I think there are goings on that councillors are not aware of.. that's all.


The person in the Highways department responsible for this fiasco is Manood Ramjam, I am told. He's on site today. Dunno which site that might be, I'm guessing it's not Seymour Road.

Just tried calling the number for 'Reena Dosanjh' (of 'for any enquiries plase call...' fame) on the 'Emergency Road Resurfacing Works Notice I received last night. Surprise surpise - the number rings and then clears down automatically without answer. Disgraceful, and I guess to be expected, given the way all of this has been managed. 

Mike, I forwarded your comment to the Director.

Many thanks Alan. Hopefully the feedback from this thread will help to avoid similar screw-ups in the future.

Alan I think that the Director also needs to explain why the resurfacing of Symour Road co-incides with the roadworks on Wightman Road + the closure of Effingham and Allison Roads. The impact of all of this is impressive to say the least. In addition to the inconvenience to Seymour Road residents described earlier on this thread, the trafic congestion on Green Lanes and Wightman Road is already, at mid-day, pretty nasty. God knows what this evening's rush hour will be like.

At least this time the work is being done during the day not from 8pm until 2am keeping everyone awake.  This was the situation when the N4 end of Wightman was done last.  More important to keep displaced traffic away from Green lanes than permit folk to sleep.



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