And I suppose the people up by Frobisher Rd who try to cross Green Lanes without the benefit of a pedestrian crossing have tacked their flag to a local Lib Dem councillor's ship so must wait for him to tip off the parking service.
David if you're listening, the Haringey Parking Service were the people I was talking to on the phone in the p*ssing rain a couple of weekends ago when I said hello to you as you were presumably running off down the West Green Rd to Ward's corner.
Alan, I still say there is something fishy about this given the zealousness with which parking enforcement approach the unoccupied vehicles of residents who's parking permits have just expired. If your defence of them is that it's a bit intimidating ticketing an illegally parked vehicle while the owner is nearby then I am sure a thief would agree with you, it is very intimidating stealing from someone able to look after their possessions. Surely parking enforcement don't feel like they're stealing from us?
Well the ticket seems to have persuaded him to stay out of the bus lane, but I notice that T38 LLE is now parked on the forecourt of the United Lodge Hotel.
But hang on: how are cars getting on and off this forecourt? There's a row of bollards in front of it and no droppped kerb
So as if this sorry, scruffy sad-sack hotel wasn't enough of a blot on the landscape it is now encouraging its guests to drive over a kerb and the pavement to park in an illegal spot.
That's illegal isn't it?
An update this morning.
----- Original Message -----
From: Parking Service
To: Cllr Alan Stanton
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:39 AM
Subject: Car parking in Cycle Lane Green Lanes N4- LBH/92766
We have since receipt of your email, been carrying out additional visits at the location. We have issued a number of penalty notices to vehicles seen when we have visited and we now believe the situation has improved for cyclists.
We will continue to monitor this location and we will continue to issue Penalty Notices to any vehicles seen in contravention.
I hope this information is helpful. If you need any further assistance please contact us.
John M, perhaps you'll refresh my memory, but I can't recall my "defence" of zealous parking enforcement. Nor do I understand your point about thieves agreeing with me.
To make things clear, in 2008 I was interviewed by the BBC about two unlawful yellow box junctions outside Tottenham Bus Garage. I said they were "highway robbery". I still hold that view. They were replaced by white "Keep Clear" boxes. These don't lead to fines and seem to work okay. You'll see the same white markings outside Wood Green bus garage. (I suspect the yellow boxes were unlawful there as well. From my observation they were probably unnecessary.)
But parking (or moving traffic) fines are not unlawful of themselves. For several years I've argued that their purpose is compliance. Legally it's not and should not be to raise income.
I'd much prefer that tickets/fines for parking in cycle lanes were not needed. And that drivers grasped that the lanes decrease the risk to cyclists. (Though I know some cyclists dispute their safety value.) But if it needs "zealousness" with fines to persuade drivers, then let's have a few days zealotry to get the lanes clear.
We recently spent a long weekend in Antwerp which has an extensive network of clearly marked cycle lanes. This seemed to work well; to the benefit of many different sections of the community.Well done Linka! That's the swine. I saw him this morning and he was sat in the car, but I was cranking up the hill with a bus breathing down my neck and couldn't stop to take a pic.
This was at eight o'clock. Had he really been there four hours without attracting the attention of a traffic warden?
And thank you Alan for moving this pic in the right direction.
If he's there again on Monday I'll take a photo and send it in.
I've found that persistence is the key to getting action on vehicles parking in cycle lanes. Lorna Reith and I occasionally send reminders about Monument Way and drivers parking across the cycle lane/pedestrian path do get fined. A few years back, this lane in Chesnut Road was sometimes blocked as well.
If anyone complains and finds the Environment Department don't respond effectively - especially to a persistent offender, I suggest contacting the ward councillors. This stretch of Green Lanes is in Seven Sisters ward. Councillors Dhiren Basu, Claire Kober, & Joe Goldberg.
Don't throw a brick - snap a pic! Post it on HoL and attach it to the email you send.
(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)
Perhaps the owner thought that because his van was red.. nobody would notice it wasn't a bus?
BTW, parking that close to a bus stop, how can a bus stop at the correct position and then move off without hindering other traffic?
The Mayor of Vilnius has a solution for cars who park in cycle lanes: ride over them in a tank.
I reckon Boris would totally be up for a publicity stunt of this sort. Now we just need to crowdsource a tank.
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