Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Like most communities, both online and off HoL has a few moments of tension and some grumpiness. That's life. However, it doesn't mean that we can't improve on things.

A few people have told me that they know someone who's been put off from contributing or even visiting HoL because of some of the behaviour on the site...and that's a shame. Liz and I work hard to try and make the overall tone positive and the environment safe. Our visitor statistics show that HoL is getting more and more popular. We're growing the number of unique daily visitors every month and according to figures provided by the Hornsey Journal, we get twice the number of visitors as their sites, but could we do more to make HoL and even better place to visit?

The other day I was reading social media guru Clay Shirky writing on dealing with bad behaviour in online forums:


That provides some options for turning the jerk dial down. One is to make identity valuable........... Another approach is to partition public platforms, thus reducing the incentive to publicly act out.


Both points resonate with me when thinking about forums in general and left me with two questions:

- Do we have a need to turn the jerk dial down on HoL?
- If so, how should we put Shirky's insights into practice?

On partitioning the platform, the obvious answer is to do away with, or make less central, the latest activity feature. I've tried that before and was met with a storm of protest. It remains an option.

Any thoughts on the general issues and HoL responses most welcome.

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BTW, here's what the user survey from last year's research showed. The results for HoL are shown against two other very successful local London sites (Brockley Central & East Dulwich Forum):


If I understand the bar charts, HOL comares very favourably with the other two.

As in my earlier post - is there in fact a problem ?

is there in fact a problem ?

I agree John.. no I don't, yes I do,  :o)


.....Tbh  there is a culture of I say what I like and I like what I say on here (and they aren't even from Yorkshire, afaik)

Angela, It would be a fruitless exercise if someone didn't believe or stand by what she/he wrote..  I've been on HoL since 2007 and I don't think I can ever remember anyone (new or old member) ever being 'shot down in flames'  - It is also necessary sometimes to say 'oh sorry, I made a mistake'.. I seem to recall having to do that many times..

We are all different and I think it is amazing how people's (internet) personalities shine through - we all make assumptions about people.. which are often no doubt wrong..




I'm not a regular enough poster to comment on whether anyone has been 'shot down in flames' - but some people feel that it does, or that it might, happen and hence they lurk or read the round-up rather than actually post.


It must be a problem otherwise Hugh wouldn't have mentioned in his OP, surely?


As for the survey (I am always rather suspicious of surveys), do we know what percentage of the total membership actually responded? And of those who did, how many are regular posters, and how many are lurkers, or how many people receive the round-up but that's their only contact with HoL?

Angela this is the only internet forum I contribute to. There are many others I read but don't like to contribute to and if I'm honest with myself, because I'm scared of being made fun of. I am however happy to lurk and would think it bad behaviour if I complained.


Hugh is a very smart man but I would not attribute him with the magical powers you have with this statement "It must be a problem otherwise Hugh wouldn't have mentioned in his OP, surely?".

Well, that just goes to show how others might feel (and your comment surprises me even though I know you a bit in RL).


I don't think it's bad behaviour to complain; this site is different to others I have been on because as I said before, we are all neighbours/fellow parents/community reps etc and therefore members are nowhere near as anonymous as on many other sites. We need to encourage more people to actually put forward their views, even if they go against the perceived collective view (ie, 'the regulars').


And, I still can't quite get to grips with Kiwi humour after all these years!

It's not to do with being a Kiwi, allegedly I exist somewhere on the autism scale and think the rest of you are a bunch of weirdos sometimes.

Thanks Angela and John. I appreciate your both taking the time to contribute to this discussion. Thanks in particular Angela for being willing to convey the difficult messages.

As far as the survey goes, we had 5% of registered users at the time. Yes, it was a self-selecting sample, but I can assure you that the respondent group was far from being a solid fan group. There was an excellent range of views.

The survey formed part of a published piece of research which has been widely praised from Australia to the USA. It's been cited by cabinet ministers, the Young Foundation, the RSA as well as being featured on the BBC. I guess that could all mean nothing, other than we've done a good marketing job! I very much hope not. It's quite satisfying in amongst it all to know that Harringay is just that little bit better known for it, though.

Confidential data notwithstanding, you're most welcome to have access to the full research.

I agree with John D. The tone here doesn't seem bad to me and one of the reasons HoL is successful is because of all the discussions, some comments on this thread imply that the success might be despite some of the regular posters but IMHO its more likely its the opposite thats the case.

Act of Contrition and Resolution of Amendment:

 Having reflected upon mine own innate jerkness I firmly resolve to

  • stop acting like a jerk,
  • at least consider reducing my individual anonymity,
  • revalue my identity,
  • respond helpfully to others' posts,
  • work on exhibiting such other behavio(u)rs as may re-earn me the karma for full participation -

to which worthy end, for a period of five years my sole participation will be to respond soothingly, nay purringly, to the loss of ginger cats of indeterminate gender on Wightman Road -

So Help me, Clay. 


What about us Black & White ones?


Nah. You don't qualify.



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