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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

People who dump rubbish and litter on our streets and let dogs foul footpaths should be reported to the council, says Haringey's Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Cllr Nilgun Canver.

The call came mid way through the Harringay Ward Safer Neighbourhoods Team Week of Action which saw council enforcement and police officers inspecting the Ladder roads to deal with environmental crime.

To underline the seriousness of her point Cllr Canver immediately arrested a carpet that had previously been reported as loitering with intent.

Cllr Nilgun Canver said:

"It didn't take us long to find rubbish and old carpet that had been left lying around. This is just not acceptable. Our officers will investigate where rubbish comes from and are asking residents for information.

"It's really important residents help us take these rubbish dumpers to task.Please tell us of landlords or neighbours who don't respect our borough as cleaning up after them is costing us all dearly."

"If you have concerns about crime or antisocial behaviour in Harringay ward contact Harringay Safer Neighbourhoods Team on 020 8721 2677. If you don't live in Harringay ward, report your concern to your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team, you can find their details at www.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods or by calling the police non-emergency number 0300 123 1212. In an emergency always dial 999."

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This is too funny for words. An hour ago I was regaling our WRN4RA members with a little pavement-dumping anecdote from Upper Mattison Road. It's suddenly become even more apposite than I suspected. Pity we don't have an Action Week every week, replete with Councillors, Police and Cameras.

Back in September a small gang of two mattresses and two divans spent at least ten days loitering with intent on opposite pavements in the most westerly 10% of Mattison Road. I sidled past the offending loiterers most days but as it wasn't my road I decided to wait to see how soon they would be shifted. As one cluster loitered within a 15-20 yard radius, the other within a 25-30 yard radius of the residence of a Cabinet Member for Environment & Enforcement, I thought that surely they'd be picked up within 24 hours. Ten days later both pavements were finally cleared. Not sure whether a formal arrest occurred. Shame that Haringey People photographers aren't around more often.
Glad it hit the spot for you Eddie. (I'm trusting (hoping) that Cllr. Canver will take it in the spirit it's meant.)
I'm sure she will (whatever that spirit may have been!)



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