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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I don't get it.

From the Haringey planning page it seems they put an application to convert a travel agents into a coffee shop and install a new extractor flue in the private yard at the back. The application is refused. So what do they do? Convert the travel agent AND the rear yard into a restaurant complete with seats, tables and (natch) smoking in the rear yard.

Anyone know what is going on here?...

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The council have now received 10 representations regarding the licence so hopefully we will be in a strong position for the hearing which has been set for the 7th Sept. Of course, if anyone is still thinking about sending in a letter of representation, it would still help so please do so. The deadline is this Monday (23rd Aug) at midnight.

Regarding the hearing, is anyone planning to attend already? I am going to do some research into getting a councillor/M.P. to attend but if some people are already planning to be there this may not be necessary. Also, if anyone has any apt contacts at the council or constituency office or can lend any advice on getting an advocate, please let me know. All suggestions very welcome.

Thanks for the update on planning Dawn.
Re. planning. I called again today. Sandero have 28 days from today to sort out their waste storage, extraction system and opening hours. If they don't, prosecution will commence.

The existence of the rear (and now front) extensions is being handled separately. The planning officer is issuing an enforcement notice today/Monday telling them to remove both extensions. They will then have 28 days (plus a few days for the enforcement notice to come into effect) to comply or lodge an appeal.

If an appeal is lodged, the matter will be open to public consultation at which point all interested parties who have left their details with the council will be contacted to seek representations. If you'd like to be on this list, you can call the planning officer:

Lorcan Lynch - 0208 489 5505.

or email: planning.enforcement@haringey.gov.uk

Data protection does apply here so all details you give are 100% confidential.
I noticed this morning that they've taken down the front awing that they were in the process of building.
look again !
Yup the awning's gone but there's now a raised seating area! Is anyone else in any of the houses backing on to Sandero's bothered by the smells coming from there? I don't know what's happing with there ventilation, but I'm a couple of doors down from there, and often the smell of charring meat is really really strong.
Betty you should speak to enforcement at haringey council. There is a guy there called Lorcan who is very helpful. He is on holiday at the moment and is being covered by Derek Pierce 0208 489 5264.

I think that as residents near Sanderos our only hope is to utilise the enforcement depts powers. They are really helpful (much more so than licensing) but we have to raise our voice so that they know the level of protest about the restaurant.
The licensing committee meeting is tomorrow night.

I can't go, but a WPRA rep from Glenwood Road, Dave, will be going.

Anyone from HOL attending?

Can you post the meeting details as I would like to attend, Thanks.
Meeting details here.

If you plan to speak, I think you may need to let them know in advance.

Call 020 8489 8232 or email Daliah.barrett@haringey.gov.uk

any news on the outcome of the meeting?
On request I was sent this document by Kendra Olsen from licensing at Haringey.
I am quite shocked that the licence has been granted, I dont know what level of objection is enough to prevent a licence being granted.

Now our only recourse is to appeal against the decision, which runs the risk of incurring costs.

I was unable to attend the hearing, but Daliah Barrett tells me that only two "objectors did" and offered no real objection to the hearing.

Did anyone from this thread attend ? Can they clarify this. ?

This has been my first experience dealing with harringey licensing, I must admit to being disappointed with the procedure and outcome. But I must say that the HOL webpage has been a fantastic resource.



The Committee carefully considered the application, the representations of all responsible authorities, local residents and the applicant and took into account the Haringey licensing policy and section 182 of the guidance and resolved to grant the application for a new premises licence at Sandero Restaurant, 434 St Ann’s Road. Namely:

The Provision of Regulated Entertainment:

Monday – Sunday: 1000 – 2300

Provision of Late Night Refreshment:

Monday – Sunday: 2300 – 2330

Supply of Alcohol:

Monday – Sunday: 1000 – 2300

Opening Hours:

Monday – Sunday: 0700 – 2330

Subject to the following conditions:

- That the premises will be constructed in accordance with the plans submitted.
- That all of the conditions recommended by the Noise Team be implemented, in particular the condition that all ventilation and extraction systems shall be correctly maintained and regularly serviced to ensure that it is operating efficiently and with minimal disturbance to neighbours arising from odour.
- That the recommendations of the Child Protection Officer to implement the Challenge 21 scheme be adopted.
- That the recommendation of the Metropolitan Police at page 161 of the documentation be adopted.

For the avoidance of doubt, the premises licence is to be granted only once the licensing authority has provided written confirmation to the applicant that it is satisfied that all the conditions have been met to their satisfaction. The licence is subject to review if the conditions are not met.

You have the right of appeal against this decision. If you wish to appeal, you must file a notice of appeal at the Magistrates’ Court within 21 days of notification of this Decision. The address of the Haringey Magistrates Court is: Haringey Magistrates’ Court, Bishops Road, Highgate, London N6 4HS. Please refer to the Licensing Act 2003, section 181 and Schedule 5 for more information about your right of appeal. Please note that there are cost associated with lodging an appeal and the Court will advise you of this. Also be aware that if the appeal does go against you, you may incur costs.

If any of the above is unclear or you require further clarification please contact me on 0208489 8232.

Yours sincerely,




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