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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A meeting about the traffic situation at Sainsbury's was held this morning between the local police, council representatives, Sainsbury's, Wildmoor (the owners of the Arena complex), TfL and the LCSP.

As reported on this site a couple of months ago, it was confirmed that new hardware is being installed in the Williamson Road/Green Lanes and the Endymion Road/Green Lanes traffic lights. This will enable better phasing of the two sets of lights and co-ordination between them which, it is anticipated, will improve the traffic.

If should be in place within a few weeks..........or at the latest by the end of April.

It is also hoped that the keen interest shown by these various parties can be directed towards a review of the wider local traffic situation - of particular relevance to the Ladder traffic issue (being discussed on a separate post on this site).

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Anyone there yesterday afternoon? Mental!

Actually I was very lucky and got out in a little over 10 minutes. The reason I was able to do so is because they blocked entry to Williamson Road for about 15 minutes and had four lanes of traffic exiting out on to Green Lanes. Needless to say people were a wee bit frustrated.

Can they really wait till the end of April?
Today (Sunday 13 Jan) is even worse we were told that contractors employed to try ease the flow of traffic out of Sainsburys carpark have given up and walked off. I think its a problem that has been brewing for a few years, why have they expanded the shopping area and now Sainsburys without improving the local roading. This bottle neck has been at breaking point for a while and I think Sainsbury expanding the store has finally broken it. How did the council give planning permission for the expansion of Sainsbury and the local retail park, as Green Lanes has been at maximum capacity as soon as they put the traffic calming schemes in the side roads. I think the council need to show how they are going to invest to improve the roading to increase capacity not strangle it, I don't think traffic lights will do very much. I really feel for local residance as it is commerce before residence and something now has to be done.
Traffic lights won't do any good, Green Lanes just can't take any more traffic flow. Traffic closure in the Gardens needs to be looked at to get more traffic circulating and also to stop the bottle neck in Salisbury Road, to say nothing about the pollution and noise of frustrated drivers honking their horns.
The problem has been building over the last 12 months or so since the Arena got up & running. It has been police controlled over many weekends (Saturdays especially) before Christmas & the police must be complaining that they are called away from other duties to man a junction.
If the Council are proposing that the issue is left until April (start of the new financial year) then this is totally unacceptable.

The whole issue has become a boiling point for everyone & I personally have taken to going out on Sundays & not coming home until the evening after the Sunday trading has ceased. I fear that the anger & frustration will soon unfortunately boil over into physical violence & / or a serious accident as drivers take rash decisions to get out of the junction / area.

This is in conjunction with the relaxing (supposed to have started on 24th December but who knows) of the CPZ to lesser hours & not on Sundays. The issue needs sorting out now rather than leaving alone for any more time.

Is it possible to meet with Wildmoor estates & the Council to try & bring this forward? Is it worth conatcting all Mayoral candidates as this is a TFL controlled road? I am not sure of the best way forward, but I only hope that something gets done before some really gets hurt.
I don't think the junction was thought out properly. For a start, turning left out of arena, the ASL is after the lights, does this mean that cyclists do not have to stop? I guess no it was an afterthought. Green lanes has three lanes which filter into the one road - bottle neck. Getting the traffic lights in coordination with each other may alleviate the problem a little. The time delay until April is pathetic, if that is all then it could be done yesterday? The only real solution would be to make road in one way and create a way out (one way also) into Hermitage road.
I agree. It seems like planning permission was waived through with little .....well...planning.

Sadly the Finsbury Park/Hermitage solution is unlikely to go ahead because FP Avenue is a private road and it seems unlikely the residents would agree to their road being opened up.
Any more news about this?
I note the original post said new measures would be in place late April. ..
I'm wondering too..



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