Hi all;
This consultation is ending soon.
Here's the email address and postal address.
It's important to say you object to the proposal and it's good to put reference 2024-T35 somewhere too.
If you wish to object, support or make other representation on the proposed changes, please email your comments to traffic.orders@haringey.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can write your comments (quoting reference 2024-T35) to:
****** Very important *******
I know that there is a petition out there, but it's important to also send an email to the above address. Because this is a legal process, a councillor told the people at the Harringay ladder safety meeting this week, that the council doesn't have to consider the petition. The process needs to be done in a certain way, and that way is by email or post. The 3600 people who have signed the petition will let the council know that they object to the proposal, but they may but likely won't take it into consideration. That's just the way the legal process works. I just thought I would tell you what a councillor told us at the meeting. I'm just trying to help spread the news while there's still time.
James Cowling
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I don't know which Councillor offered that view but he or she is sorely mistaken. If the Council ignores a petition from its residents on an issue before it for decision, it is acting unlawfully. It may not give the petition much weight, but that's a different matter.
Another heads-up to opponents of the new "Strategy" of which these proposals form part.
Haringey has also launched a consultation survey on what it describes as its "Safe and Sustainable Transport Strategy" on Commonplace: https://haringeysafeandsustainabletransportstrategy.commonplace.is/...
It includes measures proposed in this draft Orders. It is not made clear whether this is the statutory consultation on the measures already published and does not immediately refer the viewer to the Paper and Order proposed.
If not the statutory consultation on the Paper and proposed Order, a cynic might think this was to get the action groups to pile on so the Council can claim recent public support for these measures.
I urge everybody - of all stripes - to respond. Referencing the proposals now in statutory consultation where you object is a good thing to do. It is only open to 29th November, so please respond quickly.
While the council cannot ignore the petition, it has decided it will not discuss it at the full council meeting this Monday evening. The next full council meeting is next year - likely well after the issue has been decided.
The reason given for ruling the debate out for Monday is that the Statutory Consultation does not end till Wednesday and they claim legal limitations on them responding while the consultation is live.
Ironically this is because they themselves extended the consultation by a week, due to their error in proposing limiting Hourly Passes.
So yes, if you haven’t already, please email your objection!
Of course, they are not asked to respond to the petition. But they have it in hand and cannot lawfully ignore it if deciding on the issue it covers. Someone should make the point at the full Council meeting tomorrow.
Today's news is better, if not conclusive, from the Leader of the Council:
"Dear Nigel,
Thank you for sharing your response to this consultation with us.
Please rest assured that both Cllr Brabazon and I have raised our concerns about this proposal with Haringey Council's Assistant Director for Direct Services and the Cabinet Member for Resident Services Cllr Seema Chandwani. We will also be submitting our objection through the ongoing consultation.
Best, Anna"
Hi Nigel;
I believe this note is from Anna Abela, Cllr for Harringay, not from the leader of the council, Peray Ahmet. Anna told those present at the ladder safety meeting last week the same thing which is good news indeed.
James Cowling
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