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When a pager can blind or kill. Does this change everything?

"With assassination by pagers and electronic devices occurring in Lebanon, the weaponization of things electronic, the world has entered into a sphere of activity where there is no refuge, no safety, no security, and no privacy."

From "Opening Pandora's Electronic Box: Assassination without Representation", Dennis Kucinich, The Kucinich Report, 18 September 2024

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I've rechecked the link. I didn't want to re-read what Chris Hedges wrote but in checking the link I did. Nearly till the end. Pausing to add this quote:

"Shooting unarmed people is not bravery. It is not courage. It is not even war. It is a crime. It is murder. You are a murderer. I am sure you were not ordered to kill Aysenur. You shot Aysenur in the head because you could, because you felt like it. Israel runs an open-air shooting g gallery in Gaza and the West Bank. Total impunity. Murder as sport."

I'm not trying to be rude Alan Stanton but I'm not clear what point you are trying to make.

I assume that you do recognise the role of a soldier is, ultimately, to kill an enemy that threatens their country and its interests. That enemy can be a uniformed soldier of another country or a terrorist non-state actor (eg. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL). 

It's an unpleasant job which is why we recognise the sacrifices they make (risking their own lives, physical and mental health) to keep us safe. I ask you what would have happened to Israel were it not for its defence force over the last 70 years or so?

Why do you think your friend's father had to clear those buildings of enemy soldiers? He no dount did it to protect his comrades from booby traps and rearguard attacks.

"I'm sure anyone who lost familiy or friends in the 9/11 attacks would have preferred the CIA to take out the Al-Qaeda leadership beforehand".

Very well said. 

With many thanks to Hugh's technical knowledge and fixes it seems the links to the Chris Hedges Report now function.

Chris is an independent journalist with many years experience reporting from war zones. Doodle, I very sincerely urge you to explore his work and consider why you may be mistaken.

In particular I'd suggest you read The Death of Israel published on 17 December 2023. This is not because I welcome his predictions.
On the contrary! I hope that it's still not too late for Israel and other states in the Middle East to learn from his analysis to end this insanity.

I have no problem with Mossad, the Americans or our own security services having and using this capability to prevent terrorist attacks in this way. What worries me is the possibility of the same terrorists replicating the capability to use it against us. One exploding phone/pager/heart monitor/garmin watch won't bring down a plane but a few together (say for an Olympic team) probably would. I wonder how long it will be before we are prevented from taking any electronic devices onto a plane.

Perhaps I have been watching too much tele. I do hope so.



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