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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Calling all local businesses!

I am writing on behalf of local school St Peter’s Primary School and St Gilda's Secondary School as part of the Parent’s Committee.
We are desperately trying to find local businesses who would be willing to sponsor a prize for our Christmas raffle.
Any sort of prize would be welcome. It has been a very hard time for schools with little fundraising able to happen due to COVID and any help would be gratefully appreciated. In return, we would be very happy to promote your company to all our parents at our two schools. This could be done by a flyer with your details going out to all families at the school, a mention in our newsletter which is sent out to parents and a mention at our school Christmas plays happening on the 10th and 14th of December. 
I look forward to hearing from you. 
Best wishes, Kerry McDunnough
Committee member of The Friends of St Peter's and St Gilda's

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Hello, I am a crafter and I have some crafting stuff you could have if you would like it

please let me know from Wendy xx

Hello Wendy, so sorry for the late reply! If you were still willing to donate, we would very much appreciate it!

You can email me on kmcdunnough@hotmail.com

Thanks very much!

Hi Kerry. I'm a local qualified and DBS certified Massage Therapist. I offer mobile massage services to clients in their homes and businesses across Haringey and the surrounding boroughs. I'd be very happy to donate a treatment to support St Peter's and St Gilda's fundraising efforts. I've sent you a text to connect.

www.moremassage.co.uk / Instagram: @moremassageldn



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