Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I contacted Veolia about using their bulky waste service to collect two old sofas. Their website says they collect large items including sofas, doors, beds...Was told on the phone when I tried to arrange that they only collect sofas under one snd a half metres as the vehicle is too small. Even the two seater sofa is just over that. Was told by the operator that in order to have the three seater collected I'll have to saw it into pieces!!! Apparently if I don't they will decline to take it and keep the £20 fee! This doesn't make sense, how can a bulky waste service only take small items? Has anyone used this service recently for larger items? Unsure if the person I spoke to is confused. 

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Joke, as most bulk items are collected by a Dustcart. that Breaks up Furniture etc when loaded

As stated when picked up by Scavenger Crews

Except for electrical / Fridges which are picked up by trucks, which are large enough. Might be a issue of weight, getting them in truck

Will be interesting to hear out come of Councillors contact

Pleased to hear that Some councillors still seem to be active 

  • Thanks for all the responses, seems to be an ongoing issue then. Ridiculous. Working on a hospital ward so not currently into the idea of spending my day off trying to buy a saw and cut up a sofa for absolutely no reason. 

When I booked a mattress collection before lockdown, Veolia would only take it on a dry day or if it was wrapped in plastic to prevent it geting soaked by rain; I was luxky with the weather, but it was touch and go. Where I’m currently staying, in another borough, even Veolia’s scheduled recycling collections are fraught — they won’t take a bin unless it’s dragged to a spot right inside the garden gate (but then leave it empty on the pavement), reject any that are even slightly open because of the amount of contents or any cardboard recycling neatly stacked next to a bin that’s full. The list of excuses for not clearing other rubbish bins seems to get longer every week. It makes one seriously question the contracts local authorities have with the company, since they seem to end up wth residents having to do almost as much work as Veolia’s people do themselves.



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