Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Last weekend Malcolm used this site to generate a great example of citizens doing it for themselves.

Hugely topical as it happens. Co-production - residents working alongside public services providers to deliver public services - is generating rapidly increasing levels of interest amongst politicians and public service providers. Add tough financial times to the mix and the interest becomes a need.

If you fancy catching up on some of the thinking around this, here's a New Economics Foundation publication (pdf) all about it and another from The Young Foundation (pdf).

Good thing?

A big question for me is ensuring that everyone has the capacity to participate on equal terms. As things stand that'll take some work.

Tags for Forum Posts: Wightman Road, co-production

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I honestly don't know - see thoughts above.

Yes, partly it was organising - but actually the work to organise was pretty simple and something anyone could have done - one post on HoL, an email to Adam (both done drunk when back from the pub), then a few followup posts.

The salt was all down to you and Judith - all I did was act as a communication hub!

In my mind the biggest reasons are that (a) it was clearly a problem for lots of people (b) it wasn't going to get better by itself and (c) there was a clear "let's do X together" which people could sign up to
Been sitting her biting my tongue/biro/keyboard, trying not to mention it. (no jokes, OAE, this is serious stuff!)
But this is W1Bus/Traffic Petition territory we've incautiously re-entered.

(a) Without HOL a Wightman Bus possibility might never have grabbed some of us - though it's been naggingly in the background for at least 52 years.
In the event, HOL delivery of votes(25% over 5 months) disappointed a handful of us mightily.
Despite one canvasser's vote tally (75% over 25 hours ) we failed to reach critical mass.
Without the evidence the 'W1' was on a loser with local pols and service providers (Boris/TfL).
So it goes in the bottom drawer for another 52 years. (I'll add a codicil to my Will.)

(b) Without Wightman Paul, that Traffic Displacement problem would never have galvanised LCSP/HOL/WRN4RA action. Without HOL the Petition could never have taken off and delivered so effectively in so short a time. But without the preparatory leafletting of Ladder roads, would it have been less a bang, more a whimper?

Seems to me there's a lot of rethinking and reworking needed at the very basic first level of Co-production (residents and local users/potential users) before bringing pressure on local persuaders (whom we elect) to help us educate public service providers (who'll profit from us) as to what's in their and our best interests on the very local level.



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