Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I know that in theory HoL is 'open to all' but I wonder whether a survey of our. members has been done? This area is after all v ethnically mixed and I don't see that reflected much here. If not what can we do to bring in local groups or individuals so they are also part of our online community?

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That would be great SB.
Only need Arabic translating now, if anyone can help?
I have an app on my iPhone that lets me see what people are tweeting around me. That's where all our young/cool/ethnic neighbours are. I imagine that they would find us very dry and boring.

Any1 up fr txt spk in posts?
Maybe, but the median age for Twitter users is 31. For Facebook it's 26.
Well I use Facebook - its a useful tool of communication - so some of us using it are way above the 'median' age. Back to the point though - whatever your ethnic origin I think anyone is interested in a cleaner safer environment in their local area so I can see no reason why people of all backgrounds shouldn't be interested in HoL. So how can we bring people from our diverse local communities in to the fold? There are some in all the communities who are computer literate and savvy enough to join in. They may need us to reach out to them through advertising and talking and communication. People always like to think others should join in without anyone reaching out to include them - so we stay in our little homogenous groups. Lets make an effort- all of us to think of ways to do this.
Thanks for starting this post SB, and sorry for joining in so late.

There are some really obvious places we could try and publicise the site, if we had translated materials - various doctors surgeries for example, and the local library? I remember that we spoke a few months back about trying to get do some outreach work to help different groups who weren't that IT literate, and helping spread the word that way.

Is there any way of contacting parents with kids in the local schools? This should be a great resource for them - I wonder if Liz has any thoughts on that?

I had one other comment about the general context to this, about computer use and internet access. Which has exploded in recent years obviously. But there is still a very clear divide between people who can and can't use computers, and between those who have easy access at home and who don't and so rely on libraries, cafes etc. Key divisions relate to age, education and income. I don't know about ethnicity. So the profile of HOL users isn't just about people not joining, either because they don't know it is here or because they don't like the discussions - it is also a reflection of what society looks like when it comes to computer access use more generally.

None of this is to say that we shouldn't do more.

By the way, the average age of facebook is rising rapidly - 25% are now 35-44 (it was 17% in 2008)...
Try leaving leaflets with local places of worship?
Great idea Rahman, when we have finalised the translations I will distribute them.
The five top languages in the borough (taken from the Haringey Council's list of languages) are:

Shqip (apparently Albanian?)
Just a thought, if they need translation how can they take part in HOL which is in English only ?
I think its more for the 'welcome factor'?
Something like this :
HOL - 'welcome to HOL'
Foreign language speaker - 'what did you say ?'
HOL - 'yes it is a nice day'
FLS - 'the british are idiots'



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