Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A man, currently living at the Mosque end of Wightman Road, is obsessively collecting wheelie bins from the surrounding area, as far away as Turnpike Lane, is going through the rubbish and discarding what he does not want on private ground on the station side of Hampden Road. The discarded rubbish will of course attract rats and other vermin and includes personal correspondence from the rifled bins.

I spoke to him yesterday, 11th August and told him to stop.

He approached me on the street by Hampden Road this morning: I said I had seen that he had not stopped dumping rubbish as he had promised, whereupon he became excited, swung a punch at me (which missed ) and said if I went to the police he would “come after me”.

He is about 5ft 6”, sunburnt face, about 50, thin and always wears a hat, shirt, jeans and red plastic sandals. He claims to be collecting rubbish for recycling to raise funds for self-defence courses to combat knife crime.

He is a very unbalanced and unpleasant man and it would be (would have been ) advisable not to approach him.

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Sir Edmund Trebus of Crouch End was an inspiration for many.

A Polish war veteran and a pioneer Collector, he raised hoarding almost to an art form.

A nemesis of Haringey Council, he also coined the phrase "stuff it up your chuffer" (sometimes deployed on hapless Council officials).

Sir Edmund died on 29 September 2002, aged 83 and some of us still remember him.

We may not see the like of him again.

Clive C
Don't be so sure about that.
He was certainly a legend in my eyes, but thankfully I didn't live next door to him.
There is a similar type of guy (though apparently not violent) who hangs around the recycle bins at the bottom of Wolesley Rd Crouch End opposite the Maynard Pub. I 've watched him with curiosity on many sunday afternoons from that pub. He pulls out things then puts them back in different bins. He is very conscientous seeming but obviously mentally ill. What is it with mental illness and collecting/sorting crap?
Oh and BTW Bob, the bins belong to the council not the property and if you have your bin knicked the council will replace them free of charge - so we're all paying for this theft.
Christ! Just report it, get the nutter locked up and let's all be thankful he didn't actually hurt anyone. This time.
The voice of true compassion
Compassion can get you killed.
Killed ? please explain
Update -

I haven't seen the rubbish relocator for over a week - hopefully he has gone - and certainly there has been no further dumping up this end. Word on the street is that he has been sectioned.

On this subject though - has anyone complained about the quasi-permanent rubbish dump at the side of the Queen's Head facing Ducketts ?
I know of 3 properties whose residents dump their crap here. One's further up Frob Rd, one lives on Wordsworth Parade and one is the Church next door. I was always taught that cleanliness was next to godliness! Render unto Ceasar - just get an 1100 wheelie and pay the bloody commercial rate you soul sucking wastes of space.
Bring back Quasar! Or the porn cinema - at least they kept their crap behind closed doors!
The pub are going mad about this dumping, they have even filmed The Liberty Church doing it (allegedly).
Someone set fire to the bags there a few weeks ago! Can't say I blame them as if no one will take action you get tempted to take matters into your own hands.



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