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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

For those who don't know - HMO=Housing in Multi Occupancy (or is it 'with'?) - these are often illegal conversions done without planning permission and without health and safety requirements for the property. The front is often unkempt with overflowing bins and weeds the residents are frequently transient and have little attachment to the local community. Sometimes there are problems relating to street dumping(when a resident leaves), noise, anti-social behaviour.

Anyway just to start (or should I say continue) the ball rolling there is a relatively new HMO in my small cul-de-sac street, between 7 and 9 'studios' in one small property. In the house where I live (same size) there are 3 one bed flats...

We now have 3-4 HMOs in a street of 18 houses, if I'm correct?

How many in your road?

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Have you contacted the council to see if they are recognised as HMO's... i.e. Do they have HMO status.

Just sitting here thinking, and trying to put this into perspective... (stating the obvious) that's a huge percentage of a very small cul de sac! Not good at all.

Is there an argument for producing a few leaflets and encouraging neighbours to join HOL?
What do you mean HMO status - not sure wht this means. There is a very active resident in this road who is on quite a few resident associations locally and in touch with councillors so this person does raise it with people. They are completed so swiftly sometimes and its not until done that you realise.... its a fait accompli... the council, in spite of complaints doesn't seem able to do much...
I was just wondering whether the council have them registered as HMO's - if so the landlords may/probably require a HMO license.

Are they licensed HMO's?
Am on the case with some of the questions you asked.... as for leaflets about HoL.... there's a thought ..good idea - has anyone developed one at alll?? Hugh? Liz? don't want ot reinvent the wheel...
Do you know about this post - it concerns a list of HMOs that was compiled last year. Haven't had a chance to reread it yet but might be worth seeing if anything of interest there.
Alison, one problem with that list - it only covers the ladder! I do sometimes wonder if much thought is given on these pages to life on the other side of the Lanes...
Paulie, as an ex-Gardens person myself, I've often stated my regret that the Gardens and the N15 bit of Harringay east of Green Lanes, don't get as many mentions as the Ladder ... BUT that really is up to those that live there to make sure they do.. After all, HOL is only made up of those that contribute to it.. (Berlin would never get a mention here, if I didn't mention it..)

One thing though and Liz has mentioned this before, G a r d e n s :o) sounds much nicer than Ladder - so it can't all be bad, can it?
It's a good point Paulie, but as Stephen has said we're not yet getting as many contributions from the east of Harringay. However, this site is every bit as much a resource for east as it is for west. In fact one of the aims of this site was to create a common forum of dialogue fro all Harringay's residents and to work fro the common interest.

We hope as more folks join that we'll get more of a balance of contribution.
Thanks for that Alison
Hope you are feeling better.



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